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rsyslog 8.2.0 (v8-stable) released

This is the first release of the greatly improved version 8 of rsyslog. Large parts of the core engine have been rewritten in order to support even greater performance and newly things like global variable support in RainerScript. The new engine is the foundation for the next couple of years of rsyslog technology. As another major design feature, an interface for external plugins has been added. Version 8.2 supports external output plugins, but external message modification and input plugins are also schedule to appear soon.
With the release of version 8, 7.6 is being as officially supported stable. However, we will support 7.6 for some while. So there is no urgent need to upgrade to v8.


As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Florian Riedl

7.4.0 – the new stable

new rsyslog 7.4.0 stable released

We just released rsyslog 7.4.0, a new stable release which replaces the 7.2 branch. After nine month of hard work, there are many exciting enhancements compared to 7.2, and I thought I give you a quick rundown of the more important new features. Note that while I list some “minor features” at the end of this posting, the list is not complete. I left out those things that are primarily of interest for smaller groups of users. So if you look for a specific feature not mentioned here, it may pay to look at the ChangeLog or post a question to the rsyslog mailing list.

With this release, the rsyslog project officially supports the 7.4 and 7.2 branches. If support for older versions is required, utilizing Adiscon’s professional services for rsyslog is recommended.

Note that I only list main headlines for each of the features. Follow links (where provided) to gain more in-depth information.

Security Package

Improved Rate-Limiters

  • introduction of Linux-like rate-limiting for all inputs
  • “Last message repeated n times” now done on a per-input basis; makes it much more useful AND increases processing speed.

Systemd Journal support

  • omjournal writes messages to the journal
  • imjournal obtains messages including journal-specific meta data items from the journal

Performance Improvements

  • Disk Queue Performance greatly improved
  • DNS chache greatly improved and optimized
  • omfile now supports fully async writing
  • script optimizer now changes frequently-used long-running filters into equivalent quick ones when possible (this even affects some distros default configs and is a great performance saver)

Minor Features

  • various plugins now support the new RainerScript based config language
  • omlibdbi improvements, among them support for transactions
  • ommysql now supports transactions
  • improved omfile zip writing speed
  • performance optimizations
  • omelasticsearch improvements (bulk processing mode, local error file)
  • omudpspoof now supports packets larger than 1472 by using fragmentation
  • omrelp now supports session timeout
  • contributed module (not project-supported) omrabbitmq was added

Main Advantages of rsyslog v7 vs. v5

Why rsyslog V7:

  • greatly improved configuration language – the new language is much more intuitive than the legacy format. It will also prevent some typical mistakes simply by not permitting these invalid constructs. Note that legacy format is still fully supported (and you can of course do the same mistakes if you use legacy format).
  • greatly improved execution engine – with nested if/then/else constructs as well as the capability to modify variables during processing.
  • full support for structured logging and project lumberjack / CEE – this includes everything from being able to create, interpret and handle JSON-based structured log messages, including the ability to normalize legacy text log messages.
  • more plugins – like support for MongoDB, HDFS, and ElasticSearch as well as for the kernel’s new structured logging system.
  • higher performance – many optimizations all over the code, like 5 to 10 times faster execution time for script-based filters, enhanced multithreaded TCP input plugin, DNS cache and many more.

Of course, there are many more improvements. This list contains just the most important ones. For full details, check the file ChangeLog.

Rsyslog Windows Agent Released

The rsyslog Windows agent enables customers to integrate Windows Event Logs into their central rsyslog-based logging system. Even more, it supports acting as a syslog relay as well. This enables small branch offices only runnig Windows to provide local syslog sources to the central server as well.

We have released the first full-featured version of this product today. It is based on Adiscon’s mature suite of Windows-to-syslog tools.  Most importantly, it provides the ability to fully extract Windows Event Log data, including local resolution of user IDs, SIDs, GUIDs and similiar objects. It not only supports the current Windows Event Log format but  also the legacy (pre Windows-2008/Vista) event log system. The technology behind this tool is already in use at thousands of customer sites for many years (in the form of, for example, EventReporter and other Adiscon products).

The rsyslog Agent for Windows has been highly optimized for use with rsyslog at the back end. For example, it supports mutually-authenticated, TLS encrypted syslog as well as the RELP protocol for reliable delivery. Also, it provides an initial implementation of cee-enhanced syslog, and is the world’s first-ever solution to do so (details can be found in the configuration guide for cee-enhanced syslog).

By purchasing rsyslog Agent for Windows customers not only get first class event log integration, they also help fund further improving the rsyslog solution as whole. The package even contains limited rsyslog professional services.

A trial version can be downloaded from the rsyslog Windows agent page.

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