
RSyslog Windows Agent 7.2 Released

Release Date: 2022-01-18

Build-IDs: Service, Client


  • Syslog Service: Added configurable option to detect Year in RFC3164 Syslog Header. If enabled, the service will try to detect a Year after the usual RFC3164 Date Header.
  • Syslog Service: Added configurable message size limit for syslog tcp messages. The default is 1MB which is far more as defined in syslog rfcs.


  • EventLog Monitor v2: Fix handling of empty Debug/analytic channels.
  • TLS: Fix a problem with X509 Certificate Checking (Server Side).
  • File Config: Fixed a problem loading big numbers (Signed/Unsigned).
  • Queue Engine: Add limit to queue full warnings/errors events  to avoid spamming the eventlog.
  • Engine: Increased stability.

You can download Free Trial Version of RSyslog Windows Agent.

RSyslog Windows Agent 7.1 Released

Release Date: 2021-07-14

Build-IDs: Service, Client


  • EventLog Monitor V2: Add support to monitor Analytic and Debug Channels. These channels will only work in polling mode and detection of the last record is limited due the nature of analytic / debug channels.
  • EventLog Monitor V2: Added new “Copy Messageformat into property” option to copy a second output format into a custom property.
  • File Monitor: Added support for batched processing which is a huge improvement regarding processing speed.


  • EventLog Monitor v2: Removed unnecessary spaces within LOGSIEM JSON format.
  • File Monitor: Fixed a race condition saving the correct file position on action failure.
  • Status Actions: Fixed an issue calculating wrong values when multiple compute status actions were executed at the same time.

You can download Free Trial Version of RSyslog Windows Agent.

RSyslog Windows Agent 6.2b Released

Release Date: 2020-09-04

Build-IDs: Service, Client


  • Start Program Action: Fixed loading the Sync Timeout setting in file configuration mode.
  • Queue Engine: Fix for STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN exception.
    STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN doesn’t mean that there was a stack buffer overrun. It appears that due recent security updates in windows network code, a new exception type was introduced. This exception could be happening in very rare conditions when two Syslog Action would close their TCP Sessions at the very same millisecond.

You can download Free Trial Version of RSyslog Windows Agent.

Changelog for 8.18.0 (v8-stable)

Version 8.18.0 [v8-stable] 2016-04-19

  • testbench: When running privdrop tests testbench tries to drop
    user to “rsyslog”, “syslog” or “daemon” when running as root and
    you don’t explict set RSYSLOG_TESTUSER environment variable.
    Make sure the unprivileged testuser can write into tests/ dir!
  • templates: add option to convert timestamps to UTC
  • omjournal: fix segfault (regression in 8.17.0)
  • imptcp: added AF_UNIX support
    Thanks to Nathan Brown for implementing this feature.
  • new template options
    • compressSpace
    • date-utc
  • redis: support for authentication
    Thanks to Manohar Ht for the patch
  • omkafka: makes kafka-producer on-HUP restart optional
    As of now, omkafka kills and re-creates kafka-producer on HUP. This
    is not always desirable. This change introduces an action param
    (reopenOnHup=”on|off”) which allows user to control re-cycling of
    It defaults to on (for backward compatibility). Off allows user to
    ignore HUP as far as kafka-producer is concerned.
    Thanks to Janmejay Singh for implementing this feature
  • imfile: new “FreshStartTail” input parameter
    Thanks to Curu Wong for implementing this.
  • omjournal: fix libfastjson API issues
    This module accessed private data members of libfastjson
  • ommongodb: fix json API issues
    This module accessed private data members of libfastjson
  • testbench improvements (more tests and more thourough tests)
    among others:

    • tests for omjournal added
    • tests for KSI subsystem
    • tests for priviledge drop statements
    • basic test for RELP with TLS
    • some previously disabled tests have been re-enabled
  • dynamic stats subsystem: a couple of smaller changes
    they also involve the format, which is slightly incompatible to
    previous version. As this was out only very recently (last version),
    we considered this as acceptable.
    Thanks to Janmejay Singh for developing this.
  • foreach loop: now also iterates over objects (not just arrays)
    Thanks to Janmejay Singh for developing this.
  • improvements to the CI environment
  • enhancement: queue subsystem is more robst in regard to some corruptions
    It is now detected if a .qi file states that the queue contains more
    records than there are actually inside the queue files. Previously this
    resulted in an emergency switch to direct mode, now the problem is only
    reported but processing continues.
  • enhancement: Allow rsyslog to bind UDP ports even w/out specific
    interface being up at the moment.
    Alternatively, rsyslog could be ordered after networking, however,
    that might have some negative side effects. Also IP_FREEBIND is
    recommended by systemd documentation.
    Thanks to Nirmoy Das and Marius Tomaschewski for the patch.
  • cleanup: removed no longer needed json-c compatibility layer
    as we now always use libfastjson, we do not need to support old
    versions of json-c (libfastjson was based on the newest json-c
    version at the time of the fork, which is the newest in regard
    to the compatibility layer)
  • new External plugin for sending metrics to SPM Monitoring SaaS
    Thanks to Radu Gheorghe for the patch.
  • bugfix imfile: fix memory corruption bug when appending @cee
    Thanks to Brian Knox for the patch.
  • bugfix: memory misallocation if position.from and is used
    a negative amount of memory is tried to be allocated if position.from
    is smaller than the buffer size (at least with json variables). This
    usually leads to a segfault.
  • bugfix: fix potential memleak in TCP allowed sender definition
    depending on circumstances, a very small leak could happen on each
    HUP. This was caused by an invalid macro definition which did not rule
    out side effects.
  • bugfix: $PrivDropToGroupID actually did a name lookup
    … instead of using the provided ID
  • bugfix: small memory leak in imfile
    Thanks to Tomas Heinrich for the patch.
  • bugfix: double free in jsonmesg template
    There has to be actual json data in the message (from mmjsonparse,
    mmnormalize, imjournal, …) to trigger the crash.
    Thanks to Tomas Heinrich for the patch.
  • bugfix: incorrect formatting of stats when CEE/Json format is used
    This lead to ill-formed json being generated
  • bugfix omfwd: new-style keepalive action parameters did not work
    due to being inconsistently spelled inside the code. Note that legacy
    parameters $keepalive… always worked
    see also:
    Thanks to Devin Christensen for alerting us and an analysis of the
    root cause.
  • bugfix: memory leaks in logctl utility
    Detected by clang static analyzer. Note that these leaks CAN happen in
    practice and may even be pretty large. This was probably never detected
    because the tool is not often used.
  • bugfix omrelp: fix segfault if no port action parameter was given
  • bugfix imtcp: Messages not terminated by a NL were discarded
    … upon connection termination.
    Thanks to Tomas Heinrich for the patch.

RSyslog Windows Agent 3.2 Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 3.2 release of RSyslog Windows Agent.

This is a maintenenance release for RSyslog Windows Agent, which includes Features and bugfixes.

There is a huge list of changes, but the most important is the enhanced support for file based configurations.

Also inbuild components like OpenSSL and NetSNMP have been updated to the latest versions.

Detailed information can be found in the version history below.

Build-IDs: Service 3.2.143, Client


  • Components:
    • Updated OpenSSL 1.0.2e.
  • Engine:
    • When using TLS Mode x509/Name, permitted peers will also checked against the certificate Subject Alternative Name (SAN) now.
  • EventLog Monitor V2:
    • Added new Option “Wait time after action failure” which specifies the wait time after an action error occurred. Without the wait time, the subscription would immediately hit again. It is most likely that the action failure was caused by network problems, so a wait time of (default value) 15 seconds is a reasonable default.
  • File Monitor:
    • Added regular expressions support for Message Separators. Also added Options to prepend or append message separators to the message. When using regex message separators, it might be necessary to include the message separator into the message.
  • Syslog Action:
    • Added wait time doubling option for the Diskqueue feature. When enabled, the configured wait time will be doubled until the doubling limit is reached.
    • Added random wait time delay option for the Diskqueue feature. When enabled, a random wait time (up to the configured maximum) will be added to the configured wait time.
    • Added Overrun prevention delay option for the Diskqueue feature. When enabled, the action will sleep for the configured delay between each syslog message.
  • Services TestMode:
    • Added a testmode for Services, currently EventLog Monitor V1 & V2 and File Monitor are supported. When enabling the testmode for a certain service, it will process it’s Events/Files over and over again. So only use this setting for testing purpose.
  • File Based Configuration:
    • Added support for file includes. The feature can be enabled by setting one or both options in the Client Options called “Create individual configuration files for Services” and “Create individual configuration files for RuleSets”. When enabled, the configuration client will split Services and/or Rulesets into separated files. The main configuration file will include these files by a pattern. The Service itself is able to read includes within includes up to a depth level to 10. When using custom (hand written) configuration with includes, the configuration client will only be able to read them. However the client will not be able to maintain (Save) the custom configuration structure.
  • Command line:
    • Added handler for CTRL+C when running the Service in console mode


  • Syslog Server:
    • Fixed a problem receiving RFC3195RAW messages.
    • Fixed message timeout handling when no message separator was enabled in Syslog TCP mode.
  • Syslog Action:
    • Fixed an issue when diskqueue files were corrupt. Now corrupted entries are skipped properly.
    • In some cases when the Action was in diskqueue mode, it could happen that the internal retry failed. Cached syslog messages wouldn’t be sent until the service restart.
  • SSL/TLS:
    • Actions with support for SSL/TLS (like Send Syslog Action) could fail to send messages if the recipient closed the connection during meantime. The handling of closed connections has been hardened now when TLS/SSL is enabled.
  • Command line:
    • Fixed handling when using more than one command line option
  • File Based Configuration:
    • Fixed a bug reading general options from File configuration.
    • Fixed an issue reading and writing into correct data directories when using custom locations.
    • Fixed an issue detecting if data state files need to be reloaded.
    • Better error handling when configfile is missing or not accessible.
  • Configuration client:
    • When deleting an item in a datagrid, the Confirm/reset Button become clickable now to save or reset the changes.
    • Fixed timestamp for “EventLog Legacy Format” INSERT
    • Fixed invisible encryption checkbox for password fields (Like ODBC Action)
    • Fixed an issue of unwanted LastRecord saving when changing eventlog channels settings.
    • The little “Save” Button has been changed to a “Confirm” which is more precisely.
    • Corrected Min/Max values for General->Queue Limit Setting.
    • Removed invisible click areas for all checkboxes and radio buttons.
    • Fixed loading of “Processed Files” in File Monitor when running in file config format.
    • Changed error handling when exporting configuration in file format.
    • Fixed incorrect trimming of spaces at the end of text variables (problem only affected file based configurations)

Version 3.2 is a free download. Customers with existing 2.x keys can contact our Sales department for upgrade prices. If you have a valid Upgrade Insurance ID, you can request a free new key by sending your Upgrade Insurance ID to Please note that the download enables the free 30-day trial version if used without a key – so you can right now go ahead and evaluate it.

Changelog for 8.17.0 (v8-stable)

Version 8.17.0 [v8-stable] 2016-03-08

  • NEW REQUIREMENT: libfastjson
    see also:
  • new testbench requirement: faketime command line tool
    This is used to generate a controlled environment for time-based tests; if
    not available, tests will gracefully be skipped.
  • improve json variable performance
    We use libfastjson’s alternative hash function, which has been
    proven to be much faster than the default one (which stems
    back to libjson-c). This should bring an overall performance
    improvement for all operations involving variable processing.
  • new experimental feature: lookup table suport
    Note that at this time, this is an experimental feature which is not yet
    fully supported by the rsyslog team. It is introduced in order to gain
    more feedback and to make it available as early as possible because many
    people consider it useful.
    Thanks to Janmejay Singh for implementing this feature
  • new feature: dynamic statistics counters
    which may be changed during rule processing
    Thanks to Janmejay Singh for suggesting and implementing this feature
  • new contributed plugin: omampq1 for AMQP 1.0-compliant brokers
    Thanks to Ken Giusti for this module
  • new set of UTC-based $now family of variables ($now-utc, $year-utc, …)
  • simplified locking when accessing message and local variables
    this simlifies the code and slightly increases performance if such
    variables are heavily accessed.
  • new global parameter “debug.unloadModules”
    This permits to disable unloading of modules, e.g. to make valgrind
    reports more useful (without a need to recompile).
  • timestamp handling: guard against invalid dates
    We do not permit dates outside of the year 1970..2100
    interval. Note that network-receivers do already guard
    against this, so the new guard only guards against invalid
    system time.
  • imfile: add “trimlineoverbytes” input paramter
    Thanks to github user JindongChen for the patch.
  • ommongodb: add support for extended json format for dates
    Thanks to Florian Bücklers for the patch.
  • omjournal: add support for templates
    see also:
    Thanks to github user bobthemighty for the patch
  • imuxsock: add “ruleset” input parameter
  • testbench: framework improvement: configs can be included in test file
    they do no longer need to be in a separate file, which saves a bit
    of work when working with them. This is supported for simple tests with
    a single running rsyslog instance
    Thanks to Janmejay Singh for inspiring me with a similar method in
    liblognorm testbench.
  • imptcp: performance improvements
    Thanks to Janmejay Singh for implementing this improvement
  • made build compile (almost) without warnings
    still some warnings are suppressed where this is currently required
  • improve interface definition in some modules, e.g. mmanon, mmsequence
    This is more an internal cleanup and should have no actual affect to
    the end user.
  • solaris build: MAXHOSTNAMELEN properly detected
  • build system improvement: ability to detect old hiredis libs
    This permits to automatically build omhiredis on systems where the
    hiredis libs do not provide a pkgconfig file. Previsouly, this
    required manual configuration.
    Thanks to github user jaymell for the patch.
  • rsgtutil: dump mode improvements
    • auto-detect signature file type
    • ability to dump hash chains for log extraction files
  • build system: fix build issues with clang
    clang builds often failed with a missing external symbol
    “rpl_malloc”. This was caused by checks in,
    which checked for specific GNU semantics. As we do not need
    them (we never ask malloc for zero bytes), we can safely
    remove the macros.
    Note that we routinely run clang static analyer in CI and
    it also detects such calls as invalid.
  • bugfix: unixtimestamp date format was incorrectly computed
    The problem happened in leap year from March til then end
    of year and healed itself at the begining of the next year.
    During the problem period, the timestamp was 24 hours too low.
  • bugfix: date-ordinal date format was incorrectly computed
    same root cause aus for unixtimestamp and same triggering
    condition. During the affected perido, the ordinal was one
    too less.
  • bugfix: some race when shutting down input module threads
    this had little, if at all, effect on real deployments as it resulted
    in a small leak right before rsyslog termination. However, it caused
    trouble with the testbench (and other QA tools).
    Thanks to Peter Portante for the patch and both Peter and Janmejay
    Singh for helping to analyze what was going on.
  • bugfix tcpflood: did not handle connection drops correct in TLS case
    note that tcpflood is a testbench too. The bug caused some testbench
    instability, but had no effect on deplyments.
  • bugfix: abort if global parameter value was wrong
    If so, the abort happened during startup. Once started,
    all was stable.
  • bugfix omkafka: fix potential NULL pointer addressing
    this happened when the topic cache was full and an entry
    needed to be evicted
  • bugfix impstats: @cee cookie was prefixed to wrong fromat (json vs. cee)
    Thanks to Volker Fröhlich for the fix.
  • bugfix imfile: fix race during startup that could lead to some duplication
    If a to-be-monitored file was created after inotify was initialized
    but before startup was completed, the first chunk of data from this
    file could be duplicated. This should have happened very rarely in
    practice, but caused occasional testbench failures.
    see also:
  • bugfix: potential loss of single message at queue shutdown
    see also:
  • bugfix: potential deadlock with heavy variable access
    When making havy use of global, local and message variables, a deadlock
    could occur. While it is extremly unlikely to happen, we have at least
    seen one incarnation of this problem in practice.
  • bugfix ommysql: on some platforms, serverport parameter had no effect
    This was caused by an invalid code sequence which’s outcome depends on
    compiler settings.
  • bugfix omelasticsearch: invalid pointer dereference
    The actual practical impact is not clear. This came up when working
    on compiler warnings.
    Thanks to David Lang for the patch.
  • bugfix omhiredis: serverport config parameter did not reliably work
    depended on environment/compiler used to build
  • bugfix rsgtutil: -h command line option did not work
    Thanks to Henri Lakk for the patch.
  • bugfix lexer: hex numbers were not properly represented
    Thanks to Sam Hanes for the patch.
  • bugfix TLS syslog: intermittent errors while sending data
    Regression from commit 1394e0b. A symptom often seen was the message
    “unexpected GnuTLS error -50 in nsd_gtls.c:530”
  • bugfix imfile: abort on startup if no slash was present in file name param
    Thanks to Brian Knox for the patch.
  • bugfix rsgtutil: fixed abort when using short command line options
    Thanks to Henri Lakk
  • bugfix rsgtutil: invalid computation of log record extraction file
    This caused verification to fail because the hash chain was actually
    incorrect. Depended on the input data set.
  • bugfix build system: KSI components could only be build if in default path

Changelog for 8.16.0 (v8-stable)

Version 8.16.0 [v8-stable] 2016-01-26

  • rsgtutil: Added extraction support including loglines and hash chains.
    More details on how to extract loglines can be found in the rsgtutil
    manpage. See also:
  • clean up doAction output module interface
    We started with char * pointers, but used different types of pointers
    over time. This lead to alignment warnings. In practice, I think this
    should never cause any problems (at least there have been no reports
    in the 7 or so years we do this), but it is not clean. The interface is
    now cleaned up. We do this in a way that does not require modifications
    to modules that just use string parameters. For those with message
    parameters, have a look at e.g. mmutf8fix to see how easy the
    required change is.
  • new system properties for $NOW properties based on UTC
    This permits to express current system time in UTC.
    See also
  • impstats: support broken ElasticSearch JSON implementation
    ES 2.0 no longer supports valid JSON and disallows dots inside names.
    This adds a new “json-elasticsearch” format option which replaces
    those dots by the bang (“!”) character. So “discarded.full” becomes
    This is a workaroud. A method that will provide more control over
    replacements will be implemented some time in the future. For
    details, see below-quoted issue tracker.
  • omelasticsearch: craft better URLs
    Elasticsearch is confused by url’s ending in a bare ‘?’ or ‘&’. While
    this is valid, those are no longer produced.
    Thanks to Benno Evers for the patch.
  • imfile: add experimental “reopenOnTruncate” parameter
    Thanks to Matthew Wang for the patch.
  • bugfix imfile: proper handling of inotify initialization failure
    Thanks to Zachary Zhao for the patch.
  • bugfix imfile: potential segfault due to improper handling of ev var
    This occurs in inotify mode, only.
    Thanks to Zachary Zhao and Peter Portante for the patch.
  • bugfix imfile: potential segfault under heavey load.
    This occurs in inotify mode when using wildcards, only.
    The root cause is dropped IN_IGNOPRED inotify events which be dropped
    in circumstance of high input pressure and frequent rotation, and
    according to wikipeida, they can also be dropped in other conditions.
    Thanks to Zachary Zhao for the patch.
  • bugfix ommail: invalid handling of server response
    if that response was split into different read calls. Could lead to
    error-termination of send operation. Problem is pretty unlikely to
    occur in standard setups (requires slow connection to SMTP server).
    Thank to github user haixingood for the patch.
  • bugfix omelasticsearch: custom serverport was ignored on some platforms
    Thanks to Benno Evers for the patch.
  • bugfix: tarball did not include some testbench files
    Thanks to Thomas D. (whissi) for the patch.
  • bugfix: memory misadressing during config parsing string template
    This occurred if an (invalid) template option larger than 63 characters
    was given.
    Thanks to git hub user c6226 for the patch.
  • bugfix imzmq: memory leak
    Thanks to Jeremy Liang for the patch.
  • bugfix imzmq: memory leak
    Thanks to github user xushengping for the patch.
  • bugfix omzmq: memory leak
    Thanks to Jack Lin for the patch.
  • some code improvement and cleanup
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