
Changelog for 8.7.0 (v8-stable)

Version 8.7.0 [v8-stable] 2015-01-13

  • add message metadata “system” to msg object
    this permits to store metadata alongside the message
  • imfile: add support for “filename” metadata
    this is useful in cases where wildcards are used
  • imptcp: make stats counter names consistent with what imudp, imtcp uses
  • added new module “omkafka” to support writing to Apache Kafka
  • omfwd: add new “udp.senddelay” parameter
  • mmnormalize enhancements
    Thanks to Janmejay Singh for the patch.
  • RainerScript “foreach” iterator and array reading support
    Thanks to Janmejay Singh for the patch.
  • now requires liblognorm >= 1.0.2
  • add support for systemd >= 209 library names
  • BSD “ntp” facility (value 12) is now also supported in filter
    Thanks to Douglas K. Rand of Iteris, Inc. for the patch.
    Note: this patch was released under ASL 2.0 (see email-conversation).
  • bugfix: global(localHostName=”xxx”) was not respected in all modules
  • bugfix: emit correct error message on config-file-not-found
  • bugfix: impstats emitted invalid JSON format (if JSON was selected)
  • bugfix: (small) memory leak in omfile’s outchannel code
    Thanks to Koral Ilgun for reporting this issue.
  • bugfix: imuxsock did not deactivate some code not supported by platform
    Among potential other problemns, this caused build failure under Solaris.
    Note that this build problem just made a broader problem appear that so
    far always existed but was not visible.

Changelog for 8.6.0 (v8-stable)

Version 8.6.0 [v8-stable] 2014-12-02
NOTE: This version also incorporates all changes and enhancements made for
v8.5.0, but in a stable release. For details see immediately below.

  • configuration-setting rsyslogd command line options deprecated
    For most of them, there are now proper configuration objects. Some few will be completely dropped if nobody insists on them.  Additional info at
  • new and enhanced plugins for 0mq. These are currently experimantal.
    Thanks to Brian Knox who contributed the modules and is their author.
  • empty rulesets have been permitted. They no longer raise a syntax error.
  • add parameter -N3 to enable config check of partial config file
    Use for config include files. Disables checking if any action exists at
  • rsyslogd -e option has finally been removed
    It is deprectated since many years.
  • testbench improvements
    Testbench is now more robust and has additional tests.
  • testbench is now by default disabled
    To enable it, use –enable-testbench. This was done as the testbench now does better checking if required modules are present and this in turn would lead to configure error messages where non previously were if we would leave –enable-testbench on by default. Thus we have turned it off. This should not be an issue for those few testbench users.
  • add new RainerScript functions warp() and replace()
    Thanks to Singh Janmejay for the patch.
  • mmnormalize can now also work on a variable
    Thanks to Singh Janmejay for the patch.
  • new property date options for day ordinal and week number
    Thanks to github user arrjay for the patch
  • remove –enable-zlib configure option, we always require it
    It’s hard to envision a system without zlib, so we turn this off
  • slight source-tree restructuring: contributed modules are now in their own ./contrib directory. The idea is to make it clearer to the end user which plugins are supported by the rsyslog project (those in ./plugins).
  • bugfix: imudp makes rsyslog hang on shutdown when more than 1 thread used
  • bugfix: not all files closed on auto-backgrounding startup
    This could happen when not running under systemd. Some low-numbered fds were not closed in that case.
  • bugfix: typo in queue configuration parameter made parameter unusable
    Thanks to Bojan Smojver for the patch.
  • bugfix: unitialized buffer off-by-one error in hostname generation
    The DNS cache used uninitialized memory, which could lead to invalid hostname generation.
    Thanks to Jarrod Sayers for alerting us and provinding analysis and patch recommendations.
  • bugfix imuxsock: possible segfault when SysSock.Use=”off”
    Thanks to alexjfisher for reporting this issue.
  • bugfix: RainerScript: invalid ruleset names were accepted during ruleset defintion, but could of course not be used when e.g. calling a ruleset.
    IMPORTANT: this may cause existing configurations to error out on start, as they invalid names could also be used e.g. when assigning rulesets.
  • bugfix: some module entry points were not called for all modules callbacks like endCnfLoad() were primarily being called for input modules. This has been corrected. Note that this bugfix has some regression potential.
  • bugfix omlibdbi: connection was taken down in wrong thread
    This could have consequences depending on the driver being used. In general, it looks more like a cosmetic issue. For example, with MySQL it lead to a small memory but also an annoying message about a thread not properly torn down.
  • imttcp was removed because it was an incompleted experimental module
  • pmrfc3164sd because it was a custom module nobody used
    We used to keep this as a sample inside the tree, but whoever wants to look at it can check in older versions inside git
  • omoracle was removed because it was orphaned and did not build/work for quite some years and nobody was interested in fixing it

Changelog for 8.5.0 (v8-devel)

Version 8.5.0 [v8-stable] 2014-10-24

  • imfile greatly refactored and support for wildcards added
  • PRI-handling code refactored for more clarity and robustness
  • ommail: add support for RainerScript config system [action() object]
    This finally adds support for the new config style. Also, we now permit to set a constant subject text without the need to create a template for it.
  • refactored the auto-backgrounding method
    The code is now more robust and also offers possibilities for enhanced error reporting in the future. This is also assumed to fix some races where a system startup script hang due to “hanging” rsyslogd.
  • make gntls tcp syslog driver emit more error messages
    Messages previously emitted only to the debug log are now emitted as syslog error messages. It has shown that they contain information  helpful to the user for troubleshooting config issues. Note that this change is a bit experimental, as we are not sure if there are situations where large amounts of error messages may be emitted.
  • bugfix: imfile did not complain if configured file did not exist
  • bugfix: build failure on systems which don’t have json_tokener_errors
    Older versions of json-c need to use a different API (which don’t exists on newer versions, unfortunately…)
    Thanks to Thomas D. for reporting this problem.
  • imgssapi: log remote peer address in some error messages
    Thanks to Bodik for the patch.

Changelog for 7.6.7 (v7-stable)

Version 7.6.7 [v7.6-stable] 2014-10-02

  • bugfix: the fix for CVE-2014-3634 did not handle all cases
    This is corrected now. See also: CVE-2014-3683
  • fixed a build problem on some platforms
    Thanks to Olaf for the patch
  • behaviour change: “msg” of messages with invalid PRI set to “rawmsg”
    When the PRI is invalid, the rest of the header cannot be valid. So
    we move all of it to MSG and do not try to parse it out. Note that
    this is not directly related to the security issue but rather done
    because it makes most sense.

Changelog for 8.4.1 (v8-stable)

Version 8.4.1 [v8-stable] 2014-09-30

  • imudp: add for bracketing mode, which makes parsing stats easier
  • permit at-sign in variable names
  • bugfix: fix syntax error in script
    Thanks to github user anthcourtney for the patch.
  • bugfix: ompgsql: don’t loose uncomitted data on retry
    Thanks to Jared Johnson and Axel Rau for the patch.
  • bugfix: imfile: if a state file for a different file name was set, that different file (name) was monitored instead of the configured one. Now, the state file is deleted and the correct file monitored.
  • bugfix: omudpspoof: source port was invalid
    Thanks to Pavel Levshin for the patch
  • bugfix: build failure on systems which don’t have json_tokener_errors
    Older versions of json-c need to use a different API (which don’t exists on newer versions, unfortunately…)
    Thanks to Thomas D. for reporting this problem.
  • bugfix: omelasticsearch does not work with broken/changed ES 1.0+ API
  • bugfix: mmanon did not properly anonymize IP addresses starting with ‘9’
    Thanks to for reporting this problem.
  • bugfix: build problems on SuSe Linux
    Thanks Andreas Stieger for the patch
  • bugfix: omelasticsearch error file did not work correctly on ES 1.0+ due to a breaking change in the ElasticSearch API.
    see also:
  • bugfix: potential abort when a message with PRI > 191 was processed if the “pri-text” property was used in active templates, this could be abused to a remote denial of service from permitted senders
    see also: CVE-2014-3634

Changelog for 7.6.6 (v7-stable)

Version 7.6.6 [v7.6-stable] 2014-09-30

  • bugfix: potential abort when a message with PRI > 191 was processed
    if the “pri-text” property was used in active templates, this could be abused to a remote denial of service from permitted senders see also: CVE-2014-3634
  • bugfix: potential segfault on startup on 64 bit systems
    This happened immediately on startup during config processing. Once rsyslog got past this stage, it could not happen.
  • bugfix: build problems on SuSe Linux
    Thanks Andreas Stieger for the patch

Changelog for 7.6.4 (v7-stable)

Version 7.6.4 [v7.6-stable] 2014-09-12

  • add –enable-generate-man-pages configure switch (default: enabled)
    This forces generation of man pages, even if cached ones exists. This “fixes” a typical release tarball nit. While it is hackish, the benefit is clear given the history of failed tarball releases since we changed the cached man page handling. It was just too easy to get that wrong.
  • removed obsolete –disable-fsstnd configure option
    Thanks to Thomas D. for alerting us.
  • permits to build against json-c 0.12
    Unfortunately, json-c had an ABI breakage, so this is necessary. Note that versions prior to 0.12 had security issues (CVE-2013-6370, CVE-2013-6371) and so it is desirable to link against the new version.
    Thanks to Thomas D. for the patch. Note that at least some distros have fixed the security issue in older versions of json-c, so this seems to apply mostly when building from sources.
  • new omfile default module parameters
    • filecreatemode
    • fileowner
    • fileownernum
    • filegroup
    • filegroupnum
    • dirowner
    • dirownernum
    • dirgroup
    • dirgroupnum

    Thanks to Karol Jurak for the patch.

  • bugfix: memory leak in TCP TLS mode
  • bugfix: imfile: if a state file for a different file name was set, that different file (name) was monitored instead of the configured one. Now, the state file is deleted and the correct file monitored.
  • bugfix: using UUID property could cause segfault
  • bugfix: mmutf8fix did not detect two invalid sequences
    Thanks to Axel Rau for the patch.
  • bugfix: file descriptor leak with Guardtime signatures
    When a .gtstate file is opened it is never closed. This is especially bad when dynafiles frequently get evicted from dynafile cache and be re-opened again.
  • bugfix: busy loop in tcp listener when running out of file descriptors
    Thanks to Susant Sahani for the patch.
  • bugfix: mishandling of input modules not supporting new input instances
    If they did not support this, accidently the output module part of the module union was written, leading to unpredictable results. Note: all core modules do support this interface, but some contributed or very old ones do not.
  • bugfix: double-free when ruleset() parser parameters were used
    While unlikely, this could cause stability issues even after the config phase.
  • bugfix: output modules with parameters with multiple passing modes could caused strange behaviour including aborts
    This was due to the fact that the action module only preserved and processed the last set passing mode. Note that this was not a problem for the plugins provided by the rsyslog git: none of them uses different passing modes.
    Thanks to Tomas Heinrich for providing a very detailled bug report.
  • various fixes after coverty scan
    These do not address issues seen in practice but those seen by the tool. Some of them may affect practical deployments.
    Thanks to Tomas Heinrich for the patches.
  • bugfix imuxsock: “Last message repeated…” was not emitted at shutdown
    The “Last message repeated…” notice didn’t get printed if rsyslog was shut down before the repetition was broken.
    Thanks to Tomas Heinrich for the patch.
  • bugfix: make dist failed when GUARDTIME or LIBGCRYPT feature was disabled
  • bugfix: mmjsonparse did not build with json-c < 0.10
    This was a regression introduced some time in the past in order to support API changes in json-c. Now we check for the version and use proper code.
  • bugfix: mmanon did not properly anonymize IP addresses starting with ‘9’
    Thanks to for reporting this problem.

Changelog for 8.3.4 (v8-devel)

Version 8.3.4 [v8-devel] 2014-07-11

  • new pmciscoios parser supporting various Cisco IOS formats
  • RFC3164 timestamp parser now accepts timezones and subsecond resolution
    … at least for some common formats and where we could do so without running risk of breaking proper formats (or introducing regressions)
  • new parser config object — permits to define custom parser definitions
  • new tzinfo config object — permits to define time zone offsets
    This is a utility object that currently is being used by some parsers.
  • bugfix: mishandling of input modules not supporting new input instances
    If they did not support this, accidently the output module part of the module union was written, leading to unpredictable results. Note: all core modules do support this interface, but some contributed or very old ones do not.
  • bugfix: double-free when ruleset() parser parameters were used
    While unlikely, this could cause stability issues even after the config phase.

Changelog for 8.3.3 (v8-devel)

Version 8.3.3 [v8-devel] 2014-05-26
  • unify input object naming
    imudp now supports “name” paramter, as other inputs do. “inputname” has been deprecated, but can still be used. Same applies to “appendport” subparamter”. Thanks to “Nick Syslog” for the suggestion.
  • made the missing (contributed) modules build under v8 [import from 8.2.2]

    • * mmrfc5424addhmac
    •   * omrabbitmq
    •   * omgssapi
    •   * omhdfs
    •   * omzmq3
  • added a cleanup process (janitor); permits to close omfile files after a timeout
  • make omgssapi build under v8.3 [import vom v8.2]
    note that we could do this to the stable, because there is NO regression chance at all: only omgssapi was changed, and this module did NOT work previously.
  • removed obsolete –disable-fsstnd configure option
    Thanks to Thomas D. for alerting us.

Changelog for 8.2.2 (v8-stable)

Version 8.2.2 [v8-stable] 2014-06-02

  • made the missing (contributed) modules build under v8
    Note that we could do this to the stable, because there is NO regression chance at all: only the modules themselves were changed, and they did NOT work at all previously. Please also note that most of these modules did not yet receive real testing. As we don’t have the necessary environments (easily enough available), we depend on users submitting error reports and helping to iron out any issues that may arise.

    • mmrfc5424addhmac
    • omrabbitmq
    • omgssapi
    • omhdfs
    • omzmq3
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