rsyslog 8.34.0 (v8-stable) released
Today, we release rsyslog 8.34.0. Most notably is the large refactoring of the imfile module as well as the new module mmkubernetes (contributed). Additionaly, a lot of improvements and fixes have been added to the current release, too many to list them all. So please take a look at the changelog for all the details.
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Best regards,
Florian Riedl
rsyslog 8.33.1 (v8-stable) released
Today, we release rsyslog 8.33.1. The 8.33.0 tarball release was actually pre-8.33.0. Thus it did not contain all features. This alone made a re-release
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Best regards,
Florian Riedl
rsyslog 8.33.0 (v8-stable) released
Today, we release rsyslog 8.33.0. This release has a number of changes, but most of these are under the hood. Some of the more obivous changes are the new include() script object and template json container. Also, rsyslog now has better support for running in a container environment. The full list of changes to rsyslog can be reviewed in the Changelog.
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Best regards,
Florian Riedl
rsyslog 8.32.0 (v8-stable) released
Today, we release rsyslog 8.32.0. This realease, again, sports a vast number of changes. E.g. there are a number of new or updated build requirements, namely: libfastjson 0.99.8, libczmq >= 3.0.2 and libcurl. Otherwise most notably is the major update that ompgsql has received through contribution. Other changes include modules like pmrfc3164, omhiredis, mmexternal, omprog, imfile, omfile, mmpstrucdata. The full list of changes to rsyslog can be reviewed in the Changelog.
We have also made some major changes to the RHEL/CentOS packages for rsyslog. We are now using a modified spec file from the CentOS base repository for building the EL7 release RPM. We decided to go this way out of several reasons. The major reason was a huge issue with the startup scripts that we used, which did not really work well on EL7 systems. More details are available here: and here:
Another reason is, that we wanted to make our own RPMs more similar to those in the base repository to avoid major conflicts in the future. That also means, that some additional module packages are not available anymore, because they are now included in the base rsyslog package (mmanon, mmutf8fix, ommail and pmaixforwardedfrom). All other additional sub-packages are still available.
Because the Launchpad build environment [1] is currently unavailable, we cannot produce packages for Ubuntu at the moment. They will be published once the systems are available again.
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Best regards,
Florian Riedl
libfastjson 0.99.8 released
This is a new fork of the json-c library, which is optimized for liblognorm processing.
This release provides several fixes to libfastjson. Most notably is the bugfix for proper handling of constant key names. For more details, please refer to the changelog below.
0.99.8 2017-12-18
– make build under gcc7 with strict settings (warning==error)
– bugfix: constant key names not properly handled
if fjson_object_object_add_ex() is used with option
FJSON_OBJECT_KEY_IS_CONSTANT, fjson_object_object_del() will still
try to delete the key name. Depending on use, this can lead to
double-free, use-after-free or no problem.
see also
– fix potentially invalid return value of fjson_object_iter_begin
this could lead to callers doing improper opreations and thus
could lead to a segfault in callers
detected by Coverity scan, CID 198891
– fix small potential memory leak in json_tokener (unlinkely to occur)
detected by Coverity Scan, CID 198890
sha256sum: 3544c757668b4a257825b3cbc26f800f59ef3c1ff2a260f40f96b48ab1d59e07
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Best regards,
Florian Riedl
rsyslog 8.31.0 (v8-stable) released
Today, we release rsyslog 8.31. This is probably one of the biggest releases in the past couple of years. While it also offers great new functionality, what really important about it is the focus on further improved software quality. For a more detailed description, please read Rainer’s blog post. Detailed information about the huge list of changes is available in the changelog.
The packages have received some notable changes as well. First off, we were able to implement the Redis output module as a separate package on Ubuntu 14.04 and newer. Also there was a dependency change for the ommongo module, thus it is now only available on Ubuntu 16.04 or newer, but not on CentOS/RHEL anymore. Platform restrictions are unavoidable right now due to dependency availability.
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Best regards,
Florian Riedl
rsyslog 8.30.0 (v8-stable) released
We have released rsyslog 8.30.0.
This release features a large number of changes. First we should mention the new build requirements for libfastjson 0.99.7 and the build recommendation for imjournal being libsystemd-journal >= 234.
Notable changes are that (JSON) variables are now handled case-insensitive by default, imjournal being able to switch to persistent journal in runtime and the complete refactoring of mmanon. Also, a lot of improvements have been added to the error reporting as well as many bugfixes.
For a complete list of changes, fixes and enhancements, please visit the ChangeLog.
The packages will follow when they are finished.
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Best regards,
Florian Riedl
RSyslog Windows Agent 4.3 Released
Adiscon is proud to announce the 4.3 release of MonitorWare Agent.
This release contains some minor but useful features. Most important the debug output format has been enhanced. The new configuration client contains a DebugLog Viewer which lets you load and analyze the debug log in real-time. It is even possible to filter debug output by Service or Action which makes troubleshooting configuration issues much easier. For more details on all changes see the Version History.
Detailed information can be found in the version history below.
Build-IDs: Service, Client
Features |
Bugfixes |
Version 4.3 is a free download. Customers with existing 3.x keys can contact our Sales department for upgrade prices. If you have a valid Upgrade Insurance ID, you can request a free new key by sending your Upgrade Insurance ID to Please note that the download enables the free 30-day trial version if used without a key – so you can right now go ahead and evaluate it.
rsyslog 8.29.0 (v8-stable) released
We have released rsyslog 8.29.0.
This release features a number of changes. E.g. imptcp now has an experimental parameter for multiline messages, and new statistics counters.
Most notably though, is the improved error reporting in the rsyslog core and in several modules like imtcp, imptcp, omfwd and the core modules. There is also an article available about the improved/enhanced error reporting:
If you have questions or feedback in relation to the article and/or debug output, please let us know or leave a comment below the article.
Other than that, the new version provides quite a number of bugfixes.
For a complete list of changes, fixes and enhancements, please visit the ChangeLog.
The packages will follow when they are finished.
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Best regards,
Florian Riedl
rsyslog 8.27.0 (v8-stable) released
We have released rsyslog 8.27.0.
This release provides, apart from a lot of fixes, many useful feature enhancements. Most notably is the imkafka module, which allows the use of kafka as an input. In addition to this, imptcp and imtcp received quite a number of enhancements and the overall error reporting got improved quite a bit.
For a complete list of changes, fixes and enhancements, please visit the ChangeLog.
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Best regards,
Florian Riedl