
RSyslog Windows Agent 4.3 Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 4.3 release of MonitorWare Agent.

This release contains some minor but useful features. Most important the debug output format has been enhanced. The new configuration client contains a DebugLog Viewer which lets you load and analyze the debug log in real-time. It is even possible to filter debug output by Service or Action which makes troubleshooting configuration issues much easier. For more details on all changes see the Version History.

Detailed information can be found in the version history below.

Build-IDs: Service, Client


  • Configuration Client: Added DebugLog Viewer utility which can be used to analyze and filter the service debug log.
  • Configuration Reload: The random delay can now set up to 24 hours and does not affect the service control manager communication anymore.
  • Send to Communication Port Action: Comport are now kept open and the connection will be reused each time the action is called.
  • Debug Output: The format has been extended to include additional data and reformatted in many cases.
  • Engine: Added automatic crash generation and report function. If crashes can be caught internally, a dumpfile will be generated and send to Adiscon if allowed in Debug options.


  • Syslog Action: Fixed an issue parsing IPv6 Address. When an IPv6 Address
    was used, the last digit pair was incorrectly removed to be set as port.

Version 4.3 is a free download. Customers with existing 3.x keys can contact our Sales department for upgrade prices. If you have a valid Upgrade Insurance ID, you can request a free new key by sending your Upgrade Insurance ID to sales@adiscon.com. Please note that the download enables the free 30-day trial version if used without a key – so you can right now go ahead and evaluate it.

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