Packages for newer Ubuntu versions
With the latest release of rsyslog (8.11.0) we have also introduced a new set of packages that we will produce from now on. We have now added rsyslog release packages for Ubuntu Utopic, Vivid and Wily to the list. Thus, you can now use the packages made by Adiscon on newer Ubuntu versions, too, even on the upcoming version.
And, new releases get a package shortly after the official source release, so you can easily stay up to date with rsyslog on a larger variety of Ubuntu distros. For now, we will also keep making the packages for Precise and Trusty.
How to use the Ubuntu repository
The Adiscon Ubuntu Repository has been setup to provide support for the latest rsyslog versions on Ubuntu 12 including support for necessary third party packages. Please note that the Ubuntu Repository is open for testing at the moment, and contains only the latest version for v7-devel. The new packages are based in the original and latest Ubuntu 12 rsyslog packages, so in most cases an simple sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade will be enough to update rsyslog. Please note that these packages are currently experimental. Use at your own risk.
To use our repository, follow these steps:
Install our PGP Key into your apt system
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver AEF0CF8E
Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and add these lines to the end
# Adiscon repository
deb precise/ deb-src precise/
Once done perform these commands to update your apt cache and install the latest rsyslog version
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
If you receive a message like this while upgrading follow these steps below:
The following packages have been kept back:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.sudo apt-get install rsyslog
We highly appriciate any feedback or bug reports.
The newest information will be available on the Ubuntu Repository project page.
Install locations for rsyslog
Not everyone uses the same linux distributions. If Linux at all. And some distributions store files different than others. When building a test environment, we stumbled upon the problem, that if we tried the usual know method
./configure --libdir=/lib --sbindir=/sbin
rsyslog won’t work. Even if there is already rsyslog installed, but we want to use a different version, we will be helpless. Therefore we want to collect a list of different distributions and the different installation paths.
All paths are for 32-Bit operating systems!
libdir=/lib sbindir=/sbin
libdir=/lib sbindir=/usr/sbin
libdir=/lib sbindir=/sbin
libdir=/lib sbindir=/usr/sbin
If you know of other distributions and the install directories, please send us a notification via the mailing list, so we can add it here.