
rsyslog 8.4.0 (v8-stable) released

We have just released 8.4.0 of the v8-stable branch.

This release introduces the new stable version that inherits all the enhancements and improvements of rsyslog 8.3.

Additionaly, the separated documentation is available as a tarball download on the download page.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Florian Riedl

Upcoming new v8-stable

A new rsyslog v8-stable is coming up soon. It will not just be the next iteration of 8.2, instead it will be a new feature release based on the current 8.3 devel. So be prepared to welcome 8.4. Frequent followers may wonder why 8.4 is ready. Originally, we planned to release it after the summer break. The reason is simple: its ready to come up, albeit with a little less functionality than originally anticipated.

We were (and are) busy working on the rsyslog Windows Agent, which gets a fresh brush up of its engine. It’ll be even better (and faster) as before, but that also meant that we had less time to spent on Linux rsyslog. It turned out that we are primarily doing maintenance and bug fixing on v8-devel the past couple of weeks, just as it normally happens before a new stable branch comes up. So the code has matured. At the same time, we get very good feedback for 8.2 in general, which really makes us believe that v8 fully replaces v7. The bad news is that 8.3 is currently missing the promised non-C support for input modules. However, it’s easy to do this via the regular syslog() API, so this doesn’t look like it’s overly important. In short, this means 8.3 is ready for prime time and we won’t defer it for longer than really required. Just think about how many folks have asked about non-C actions or the ability to clear out dynafiles after an inactivity timeout.

We released 8.3.3 last week, and it is scheduled to be the last 8.3 version (if nothing really important comes up). We are still working on some rough edges, which we hopefully can smoothen within the next couple of days. If possible, we’ll move them into 8.4.0. We hope to be able to release 8.4.0 next week or the week thereafter, so we get a shiny new stable before the summer break.

Also, we will finally officially drop community development support for v7. This will probably even happen this week. As usual, that doesn’t mean v7 is put into the waste bin. We’ll continue to apply patches to it, and we expect that distros will carry it for a while. Even new v7 releases may happen from time to time. But it’s no longer a version that you can expect to receive community support on (of course, rsyslog support contract customers will also be supported on outdated versions, so relax if that is you – but that’s a different story).

We hope you are looking forward to 8.4. If you can, please also help with testing 8.3.3.

rsyslog 8.2.2 (v8-stable) released

We have just released 8.2.2 of the v8-stable branch.

This release allows to build the missing (contributed) modules under v8. Please note, that most of these modules did not yet receive real testing as we don’t have the necessary environments. We depend on users submitting error reports and helping out to iron out any issues that may arise.

Additionaly, the separated documentation is available as a tarball download on the download page.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Florian Riedl

Changelog for 8.2.2 (v8-stable)

Version 8.2.2 [v8-stable] 2014-06-02

  • made the missing (contributed) modules build under v8
    Note that we could do this to the stable, because there is NO regression chance at all: only the modules themselves were changed, and they did NOT work at all previously. Please also note that most of these modules did not yet receive real testing. As we don’t have the necessary environments (easily enough available), we depend on users submitting error reports and helping to iron out any issues that may arise.

    • mmrfc5424addhmac
    • omrabbitmq
    • omgssapi
    • omhdfs
    • omzmq3

rsyslog 8.2.1 (v8-stable) released

We have just released 8.2.1 of the v8-stable branch.

This release permits to build against json-c 0.12. Due to the ABI breckage, this is necessary. Json-c versions prior to 0.12 had security issues, so this is desirable. At least some distros have fixed the security issue in older versions of json-c, so this seems to apply mostly when building from sources.

Additionaly, the doc is no longer shipped as part of the rsyslog tarball to allow de-coupled release cycles.


As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Florian Riedl

Changelog for 8.2.1 (v8-stable)

Version 8.2.1 [v8-stable] 2014-04-17

  • permits to build against json-c 0.12
    Unfortunately, json-c had an ABI breakage, so this is necessary. Note that versions prior to 0.12 had security issues (CVE-2013-6370, CVE-2013-6371) and so it is desirable to link against the new version.
    Thanks to Thomas D. for the patch. Note that at least some distros have fixed the security issue in older versions of json-c, so this seems to apply mostly when building from sources.
  • doc is no longer shipped as part of the rsyslog tarball
    Instead, the rsyslog-doc project creates its own tarball. This is the result of a mailing list discussion after the 8.2.0 release with a tarball-in-tarball approach, which was disliked by almost all distro maintainers. This move also has the advantage of de-coupling the release cycles of both projects a bit (which turned out to be a bit problematic in practice).
  • bugfix: mmutf8fix did not detect two invalid sequences
    Thanks to Axel Rau for the patch.

rsyslog 8.2.0 (v8-stable) released

This is the first release of the greatly improved version 8 of rsyslog. Large parts of the core engine have been rewritten in order to support even greater performance and newly things like global variable support in RainerScript. The new engine is the foundation for the next couple of years of rsyslog technology. As another major design feature, an interface for external plugins has been added. Version 8.2 supports external output plugins, but external message modification and input plugins are also schedule to appear soon.
With the release of version 8, 7.6 is being as officially supported stable. However, we will support 7.6 for some while. So there is no urgent need to upgrade to v8.


As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Florian Riedl

Changelog for 8.2.0 (v8-stable)

Version 8.2.0 [v8-stable] 2014-04-02
This starts a new stable branch based on 8.1.6 plus the following changes:

  • we now use doc from the rsyslog-doc project
    As such, the ./doc subtree has been removed. Instead, a cache of the rsyslog-doc project’s files has been included in ./rsyslog-doc.tar.gz. Note that the exact distribution mode for the doc is still under discussion and may change in future releases. This was agreed upon on the rsyslog mailing list. For doc issues and corrections, be sure to work with the rsyslog-doc project. It is currently hosted at
  • add support for specifying the liblogging-stdlog channel spec
    new global parameter “stdlog.channelspec”
  • add “defaultnetstreamdrivercertfile” global variable to set a default for the certfile.
    Thanks to Radu Gheorghe for the patch.
  • omelasticsearch: add new “usehttps” parameter for secured connections
    Thanks to Radu Gheorghe for the patch.
  • “action resumed” message now also specifies module type which makes troubleshooting a bit easier. Note that we cannot output all the config details (like destination etc) as this would require much more elaborate code changes, which we at least do not like to do in the stable version.
  • add capability to override GnuTLS path in build process
    Thanks to Clayton Shotwell for the patch
  • better and more consistent action naming, action queues now always contain the word “queue” after the action name
  • bugfix: ompipe did resume itself even when it was still in error
    Thanks to github user schplat for reporting

rsyslog 7.6.3 (v7-stable) released

This release offers a couple of bug-fixes and also supports better interaction with librelp 1.2.5, which in turn supports anonymous TLS on platforms like CENTOS/RHEL 6 where GnuTLS is too old and RELP TLS was completely disable previously.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Florian Riedl

rsyslog 7.6.2 (v7-stable) released

This version introduces the support for librelp 1.2.4, thus it it fixes a problem with librelp in the last release.


Note that now librelp 1.2.4 is required as we process it’s new error codes emitted when librelp does not support TLS.




As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Florian Riedl

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