
rsyslog 7.3.9 (v7-devel) released

We have just released v 7.3.9 of the rsyslog development branch. The most important feature of this release is the capability to digitally sign log files. This is done via RFC3161. It also contains some other feature enhancements as well as bug fixes. Note that 7.3.9 is almost feature-complete and can be considered a beta. It is our goal to release a new v7.4 stable within the next few weeks.





As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Tim Eifler

Changelog for 7.3.9 (v7-devel)

Version 7.3.9 [devel] 2013-03-27

  • support for signing logs added
  • imudp: now supports user-selectable inputname
  • omlibdbi: now supports transaction interface
    if recent enough lbdbi is present
  • imuxsock: add ability to NOT create/delete sockets during startup and
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=259
  • imfile: errors persisting state file are now reported
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=292
  • imfile: now detects file change when rsyslog was inactive
    Previosly, this case could not be detected, so if a file was overwritten
    or rotated away while rsyslog was stopped, some data was missing. This
    is now detected and the new file being forwarded right from the
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=228
  • updated systemd files to match current systemd source
  • bugfix: imudp scheduling parameters did affect main thread, not imudp
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=409
  • bugfix: build problem on platforms without GLOB_NOMAGIC
  • bugfix: build problems on non-Linux platforms
  • bugfix: stdout/stderr were not closed on forking
    but were closed when running in the forground – this was just reversed
    of what it should be. This is a regression of a recent change.
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