
rsyslog 7.4.9 (v7-stable) released

We have just released 7.4.9 of the v7-stable branch.

While we initially did not intend to do another v7.4 release, we got some important fixes which we wanted to be available for 7.4, so we decided to do one more release. Note that also a new feature is included. The “processInternalMessages” global parameter now permits to tell rsyslog to send it’s own error messages to another system logger. This is most beneficial for systemd-based systems, where this permits rsyslog messages to show up in the service status command (but note that this requires configuration).

More detailed information is available in the ChangeLog.





As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Florian Riedl

Changelog for 7.4.9 (v7-stable)

Version 7.4.9  [v7.4-stable] 2014-01-22

  • added ProcessInternalMessages global system parameter
    This permits to inject rsyslog status messages into *another* main syslogd or the journal.
  • bugfix: imuxsock input parameters were not accepted due to copy&paste error. Thanks to Andy Goldstein for the fix.
  • bugfix: potential double-free in RainerScript equal comparison happens if the left-hand operand is JSON object and the right-hand operand is a non-string that does not convert to a number (for example, it can be another JSON object, probably the only case that could happen in practice). This is very unlikely to be triggered.
  • bugfix: some RainerScript Json(Variable)/string comparisons were wrong
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