
Changelog for 4.7.4 (v4-beta)

Version 4.7.4 [v4-beta] (rgerhards), 2011-07-11

  • added support for the “:omusrmsg:” syntax in configuring user messages
  • added support for the “:omfile:” syntax in configuring user messages
  • added $LocalHostName config directive
  • bugfix: PRI was invalid on Solaris for message from local log socket
  • bugfix: local hostname was pulled too-early, so that some config
    directives (namely FQDN settings) did not have any effect

  • bugfix: atomic increment for msg object may not work correct on all
    platforms. Thanks to Chris Metcalf for the patch

  • bugfix: a slightly more informative error message when a TCP
    connections is aborted

rsyslog 4.6.6 (v4-stable) released

We have just released rsyslog 4.6.6, the new v4-stable.

This is a maintenance release for the current v4-stable branch. It contains some important bug fixes. It is highly recommended to upgrade to this version.

Please see the ChangeLog for more details.





As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Tom Bergfeld

Changelog for 4.6.6 (v4-stable)

Version 4.6.6 [v4-stable] (rgerhards), 2011-06-24

  • bugfix: memory leak in imtcp & subsystems under some circumstances
    This leak is tied to error conditions which lead to incorrect cleanup
    of some data structures. [backport from v6, limited testing under v4]
  • bugfix: invalid processing in QUEUE_FULL condition
    If the the multi-submit interface was used and a QUEUE_FULL condition
    occured, the failed message was properly destructed. However, the
    rest of the input batch, if it existed, was not processed. So this
    lead to potential loss of messages and a memory leak. The potential
    loss of messages was IMHO minor, because they would have been dropped
    in most cases due to the queue remaining full, but very few lucky ones
    from the batch may have made it. Anyhow, this has now been changed so
    that the rest of the batch is properly tried to be enqueued and, if
    not possible, destructed.
  • bugfix: invalid storage type for config variables
  • bugfix: stream driver mode was not correctly set on tcp ouput on big
    endian systems.
    thanks varmojfekoj for the patch
  • bugfix: IPv6-address could not be specified in omrelp
    this was due to improper parsing of “:”
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=250
  • bugfix: memory and file descriptor leak in stream processing
    Leaks could occur under some circumstances if the file stream handler
    errored out during the open call. Among others, this could cause very
    big memory leaks if there were a problem with unreadable disk queue
    files. In regard to the memory leak, this
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=256
  • bugfix: imfile potentially duplicates lines
    This can happen when 0 bytes are read from the input file, and some
    writer appends data to the file BEFORE we check if a rollover happens.
    The check for rollover uses the inode and size as a criterion. So far,
    we checked for equality of sizes, which is not given in this scenario,
    but that does not indicate a rollover. From the source code comments:
    Note that when we check the size, we MUST NOT check for equality.
    The reason is that the file may have been written right after we
    did try to read (so the file size has increased). That is NOT in
    indicator of a rollover (this is an actual bug scenario we
    experienced). So we need to check if the new size is smaller than
    what we already have seen!
    Also, under some circumstances an invalid truncation was detected. This
    code has now been removed, a file change (and thus resent) is only
    detected if the inode number changes.
  • bugfix: a couple of problems that imfile had on some platforms, namely
    Ubuntu (not their fault, but occured there)
  • bugfix: imfile utilizes 32 bit to track offset. Most importantly,
    this problem can not experienced on Fedora 64 bit OS (which has
    64 bit long’s!)
  • bugfix: abort if imfile reads file line of more than 64KiB
    Thanks to Peter Eisentraut for reporting and analysing this problem.
    bug tracker: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=221
  • bugfix: omlibdbi did not use password from rsyslog.con
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=271
  • some improvements thanks to clang’s static code analyzer
    • overall cleanup (mostly unnecessary writes and otherwise unused stuff)
    • bugfix: fixed a very remote problem in msg.c which could occur when
      running under extremely low memory conditions
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