
Changelog for 4.7.4 (v4-beta)

Version 4.7.4 [v4-beta] (rgerhards), 2011-07-11

  • added support for the “:omusrmsg:” syntax in configuring user messages
  • added support for the “:omfile:” syntax in configuring user messages
  • added $LocalHostName config directive
  • bugfix: PRI was invalid on Solaris for message from local log socket
  • bugfix: local hostname was pulled too-early, so that some config
    directives (namely FQDN settings) did not have any effect

  • bugfix: atomic increment for msg object may not work correct on all
    platforms. Thanks to Chris Metcalf for the patch

  • bugfix: a slightly more informative error message when a TCP
    connections is aborted

rsyslog 6.1.10 (v6-beta) released

This is a stability update that imports the recent set of patches developed for version 5 and above. Note that users are strongly advised to upgrade to this version due to a potentially fatal failure caused by one bug.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Tom Bergfeld

rsyslog 6.1.8 (beta) released

This release begins the first beta branch for the v6 branch of rsyslog.

Note that the 6.1.7 version, released roughly a month ago was not functionally enhanced since then. We already begun a new branch that will become 6.3.0. So technically, 6.1.7 can be considered beta as well.

As such, we expect a quicker than usual beta cycle for version 6.1.

This release imports some bug fixes done to older versions as well as some minor enhancements (not affecting stability). An update to this version is useful for users of the 6.1 versions, but if you experience no problems, it the update is not urgent.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Tom Bergfeld

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