rsyslog 7.1.11 (v7-beta) released
We have just released 7.1.11 of the v7-beta branch. This is a bug-fixing release, nearing the first v7 stable.
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Best regards,
Florian Riedl
Changelog for 7.1.11 (v7-beta)
Version 7.1.11 [beta] 2012-10-16
- bugfix: imuxsock truncated head of received message
This happened only under some circumstances. Thanks to Marius Tomaschwesky, Florian Piekert and Milan Bartos for their help in solving this issue. - bugfix: do not crash if set statement is used with date field
Thanks to Miloslav Trmač for the patch. - change lumberjack cookie to “@cee:” from “@cee: ”
CEE originally specified the cookie with SP, whereas other lumberjack tools used it without space. In order to keep interop with lumberjack, we now use the cookie without space as well. I hope this can be changed in CEE as well when it is released at a later time.
Thanks to Miloslav Trmač for pointing this out and a similiar v7 patch. - added deprecated note to omruleset (plus clue to use “call”)
- added deprecated note to discard action (plus clue to use “stop”)