
Changelog for 6.4.2 (v6-stable)

Version 6.4.2  [V6-STABLE] 2012-09-20

  • bugfix: potential abort, if action queue could not be properly started
    This most importantly could happen due to configuration errors.
  • bugfix: remove invalid socket option call from imuxsock
    Thanks to Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn and Jonny Törnbom
  • bugfix: missing support for escape sequences in RainerScript
    only \’ was supported. Now the usual set is supported. Note that v5 used \x as escape where x was any character (e.g. “\n” meant “n” and NOT LF). This also means there is some incompatibility to v5 for well-known sequences. Better break it now than later.
  • bugfix: config validation run did not always return correct return state
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