rsyslog 6.1.2 (devel) released
Hi all,
We have just released rsyslog 6.1.2, the new v6-devel.
This release has as first release the experimental support for log Continue reading “rsyslog 6.1.2 (devel) released”
Changelog for 6.1.2 (devel)
Version 6.1.2 [DEVEL] (rgerhards), 2010-12-16
- added experimental support for log normalizaton (via liblognorm) support for normalizing log messages has been added in the form of mmnormalize. The core engine (property replacer, filter engine) has been enhanced to support properties from normalized events.
Note: this is EXPERIMENTAL code. It is currently known that there are issues if the functionality is used with
- disk-based queues
- asynchronous action queues
You can not use the new functionality together with these features.
This limitation will be removed in later releases. However, we preferred to release early, so that one can experiment with the new feature set and accepted the price that this means the full set of functionality is not yet available. If not used together with these features, log normalizing should be pretty stable.
- enhanced testing tool tcpflood now supports sending via UDP and the capability to run multiple iterations and generate statistics data records
- bugfix: potential abort when output modules with different parameter passing modes were used in configured output modules
rsyslog 6.1.2 (devel)
Download file name: rsyslog 6.1.2 (devel)
rsyslog 6.1.2 (devel)
md5sum: 82a0ff460663fcfbfb6fccce30e0d7e8
Author: Rainer Gerhards (
Version: 6.1.2 File size: 2.3 MB