RSyslog Windows Agent 7.2a Released

Release Date: 2022-03-03

Build-IDs: Service, Client


  • EventLog Monitor V2: Fix an issue with events, that cannot be formatted properly.
  • EventLog Monitor V2: Fix loading enabled state for Event Channels when either Debug or Admin channels are enabled/disabled.
  • EventLog Monitor V2: Fix the default Channel enabled state for disabled channel types.

You can download Free Trial Version of RSyslog Windows Agent.

RSyslog Windows Agent 7.2 Released

Release Date: 2022-01-18

Build-IDs: Service, Client


  • Syslog Service: Added configurable option to detect Year in RFC3164 Syslog Header. If enabled, the service will try to detect a Year after the usual RFC3164 Date Header.
  • Syslog Service: Added configurable message size limit for syslog tcp messages. The default is 1MB which is far more as defined in syslog rfcs.


  • EventLog Monitor v2: Fix handling of empty Debug/analytic channels.
  • TLS: Fix a problem with X509 Certificate Checking (Server Side).
  • File Config: Fixed a problem loading big numbers (Signed/Unsigned).
  • Queue Engine: Add limit to queue full warnings/errors events  to avoid spamming the eventlog.
  • Engine: Increased stability.

You can download Free Trial Version of RSyslog Windows Agent.

RSyslog Windows Agent 7.1 Released

Release Date: 2021-07-14

Build-IDs: Service, Client


  • EventLog Monitor V2: Add support to monitor Analytic and Debug Channels. These channels will only work in polling mode and detection of the last record is limited due the nature of analytic / debug channels.
  • EventLog Monitor V2: Added new “Copy Messageformat into property” option to copy a second output format into a custom property.
  • File Monitor: Added support for batched processing which is a huge improvement regarding processing speed.


  • EventLog Monitor v2: Removed unnecessary spaces within LOGSIEM JSON format.
  • File Monitor: Fixed a race condition saving the correct file position on action failure.
  • Status Actions: Fixed an issue calculating wrong values when multiple compute status actions were executed at the same time.

You can download Free Trial Version of RSyslog Windows Agent.

RSyslog Windows Agent 7.0 Released

Release Date: 2021-03-09

Build-IDs: Service, Client


  • Filter Engine: Add support to filter by IPv6 addresses.
  • Eventlog Monitor V2: Added support to for LogPoint SIEM JSON Format.
  • Eventlog Monitor V2: Added support for the following EventLog properties (if available):
    Providerguid, processed, threaded, version, opcode, eventtype, nxseverityvalue (required for Severity Mapping in LogPoint SIEM JSON Format)
  • Action Caching: Added support for caching / queuing in RELP Action when Action processing fails.
  • Filter Engine: Added support to store filter results when using the global Status Variable type filters.
  • Queue Engine: Added Warning/Error events which are generated when the queue gets full.
  • Librelp: Updated librelp to v1.8.0.
  • Openssl: Updated to version 1.1.1g.


  • Filter Engine: Fixed SaveIntoProperty handling when using the Status Type Filter.
  • Queue Engine: Fixed an issue that caused an internal exception
    STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN when two TCP Syslog Sessions where closed at the same time.

You can download Free Trial Version of RSyslog Windows Agent.

RSyslog Windows Agent 6.2c Released

Release Date: 2021-01-28

Build-IDs: Service, Client


  • Syslog Service: Fixed an parsing issue of the syslogtag (rfc5424 only) with malformed syslog headers.
  • Syslog Service: Fixed an issue where two nullbytes were appended to the rawsyslogmsg property.
  • EventLog Monitor V2: Fixed Unicode support when using JSON Output format.
  • IPv6: Fixed a conversion issue when a source was converted into a IPv6 address string.

You can download Free Trial Version of RSyslog Windows Agent.

RSyslog Windows Agent 6.2b Released

Release Date: 2020-09-04

Build-IDs: Service, Client


  • Start Program Action: Fixed loading the Sync Timeout setting in file configuration mode.
  • Queue Engine: Fix for STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN exception.
    STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN doesn’t mean that there was a stack buffer overrun. It appears that due recent security updates in windows network code, a new exception type was introduced. This exception could be happening in very rare conditions when two Syslog Action would close their TCP Sessions at the very same millisecond.

You can download Free Trial Version of RSyslog Windows Agent.

RSyslog Windows Agent 6.2a Released

Release Date: 2020-07-21

Build-IDs: Service, Client


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Service to abort while configuration reload was running.
  • Fixed an issue when the user stopped the Service while a configuration reload was running.

You can download Free Trial Version of RSyslog Windows Agent.

Slightly Changed rsyslog Stable Release Cycle

For the past couple of years, rsyslog made scheduled releases every 6 weeks. We now changed this slightly to make version numbers easier to understand.

Remember, rsyslog versions are called 8.<yy><mm>.0, so the April 2020 release is 8.2004.0. When we release very six weeks, we get odd and even month numbers and, even more confusing, we sometimes seem to “skip” a month while at other times it looks like we craft a scheduled stable “every month”. To avoid this type of confusion, we have now decided to release every two month, and do that on even month.

We will usually try to release in the second half of the given month. However, we will no longer tell the exact target date. We need some flexibility here to avoid targeting “bad release periods”. As a concrete example, we will probably never do a December release during the holiday period. As such, December releases are more likely to happen in the first half of the month, which should give admins also some time to do all of their internal testing work ahead of the holidays.

We originally used the six week schedule to provide a balance between frequent bug fixes and not too frequent releases. With the appearance of daily stable releases a longer release cycle is no more a real concern. Everybody in need of a fix not yet present in the scheduled stable can just switch to the daily stable as needed. Remember that both are stable versions. The daily stable is often more stable as it contains the latest fixes.

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