Changelog for 6.1.2 (devel)
Version 6.1.2 [DEVEL] (rgerhards), 2010-12-16
- added experimental support for log normalizaton (via liblognorm) support for normalizing log messages has been added in the form of mmnormalize. The core engine (property replacer, filter engine) has been enhanced to support properties from normalized events.
Note: this is EXPERIMENTAL code. It is currently known that there are issues if the functionality is used with
- disk-based queues
- asynchronous action queues
You can not use the new functionality together with these features.
This limitation will be removed in later releases. However, we preferred to release early, so that one can experiment with the new feature set and accepted the price that this means the full set of functionality is not yet available. If not used together with these features, log normalizing should be pretty stable.
- enhanced testing tool tcpflood now supports sending via UDP and the capability to run multiple iterations and generate statistics data records
- bugfix: potential abort when output modules with different parameter passing modes were used in configured output modules
normalizer – first steps for mmnormalize
Since rsyslog 6.1.2 there is a new module called mmnormalize. This module provides the capability to normalize log messages via liblognorm. (This example has been done on a Fedora 13 workstation. Please note that there can be some differences in the file paths.)
For using this module you need
rsyslog 6.1.2
After downloading the mentioned items we have to install them.
You can find a guide for installing liblestr, libee and liblognorm at
The next step would be to extract the downloaded rsyslog folder and install it. Please note that we habe to mention the mmnormalize module in the configure
(after extracting:)
$ ./configure --libdir=/usr/lib --sbindir=/sbin --enable-mmnormalize
$ make
$ make install
Now we have to load the mmnormalize module in the rsyslog.conf.
$ModLoad mmnormalize # loads the mmnormalize module
$mmnormalizeRuleBase rulebase.rb # specifies which rulebase is to use
*.* :mmnormalize: # applies normalization to all messages
Finally we need an action that uses the normalizer. Below you will find a simple sample for an action using normalizer
$template cee,"msg is '%msg%', %$!all-json%\n"
*.* /home/test/logfile;cee
This example will write everything to logfile and shows you the original message and what parts have been parsed and which not.
A further sample how to use mmnormalize to filter for IP in messages
$template cee, "ip is '%$!ip%', %$!all-json%\n"
if $!ip != '' then /home/test/logfile-cee;cee
With this example you can extract messages which have an IP in the ‘field’ ip. The available fields are applying to your rulebase, there they are specified. Fields are used in a template like properties but they use the additional signs ‘$!’ in their names, e.g. %$!name% instead of %name%. Below you will find a link which tells you more about creating a rule base