
rsyslog 5.8.6 (v5-stable) released

This is a maintenance release offering bug fixes. For example for a small bug in property-based filter and a fix for $ActionExecOnlyOnce and more .For more detailed information, please read the changelog.





As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,

Tim Eifler

Changelog for 5.8.6 (v5-stable)

Version 5.8.6  [V5-stable] 2011-10-21

  • bugfix: missing whitespace after property-based filter was not detected
  • bugfix: $OMFileFlushInterval period was doubled – now using correct value
  • bugfix: ActionQueue could malfunction due to index error
    Thanks to Vlad Grigorescu for the patch
  • bugfix: $ActionExecOnlyOnce interval did not work properly
    Thanks to Tomas Heinrich for the patch
  • bugfix: race condition when extracting program name, APPNAME, structured data and PROCID (RFC5424 fields) could lead to invalid characters e.g. in dynamic file names or during forwarding (general malfunction of these fields in templates, mostly under heavy load)
  • bugfix: imuxsock did no longer ignore message-provided timestamp, if so configured (the *default*). Lead to no longer sub-second timestamps.
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=281
  • bugfix: omfile returns fatal error code for things that go really wrong previously, RS_RET_RESUME was returned, which lead to a loop inside the rule engine as omfile could not really recover.
  • bugfix: imfile did invalid system call under some circumstances when a file that was to be monitored did not exist BUT the state file actually existed. Mostly a cosmetic issue. Root cause was incomplete error checking in stream.c; so patch may affect other code areas.
  • bugfix: rsyslogd -v always said 64 atomics were not present
    Thanks to mono_matsuko for the patch
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