RSyslog Windows Agent 2.1 Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 2.1 release of RSyslog Windows Agent.

This new minor release contains some new features and bugfixes.

Most notably, this version permits monitoring remote machines via the V2 Event Log Monitor. This enables even better and remote monitoring capabilities.

International character set support has been improved. The email action now supports subject field encoding in UTF8, SHIFT-JIS, JIS and EUC-JP.

Detailed information can be found in the version history below.

Build-IDs: Service 2.1.115, Client


  • EventLog Monitor V2:
    Added support for Remote EventLog Monitoring. In order to work, make sure that the following requirements on the remote machine are met:

    • 1. The Service is configured to run with a administrative user who has rights on the local and remote machine.
    • 2. The Windows Event Collector Service is enabled and running on the remote machine.
    • 3. The Firewall on the remote machine (if enabled) allows access to Remote Event Log Management.
    • 4. The configured User is member of the “Event Log Readers” group on the remote machine.
  • Added new option “Process unknown/unconfigured Eventlog Channels” which is enabled by default. Uncheck this option if you want to make sure that only selected Eventlog Channels should be monitored.
  • Updated librelp library to last v1 stable version 1.0.7.
  • File Action: Added file segmentation support for files above 2gb
  • Send Email Action: Added support for UTF8, SHIFT-JIS, JIS and EUC-JP encoded subjects.
  • Lognorm Action:
    Added option to specify output type as XML, CSV, JSN (Stored into a custom property)
    Event Fields are stored into the Property Engine now.


  • File Action: File Size checking is now done before writing into files, this avoids writing into files that already reached their limits.


Version 2.1 is a free download. Customers with existing 1.x keys can contact our Sales department for upgrade prices. If you have a valid Upgrade Insurance ID, you can request a free new key by sending your Upgrade Insurance ID to Please note that the download enables the free 30-day trial version if used without a key – so you can right now go ahead and evaluate it.

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