
Changelog for 7.2.2 (v7-stable)

Version 7.2.2 [v7-stable] 2012-10-16

  • doc improvements
  • enabled to build without libuuid, at loss of uuid functionality
    this enables smoother builds on older systems that do not support
    libuuid. Loss of functionality should usually not matter too much as
    uuid support has only recently been added and is very seldom used.
  • bugfix: omfwd did not properly support “template” parameter
  • bugfix: potential segfault when re_match() function was used
    Thanks to oxpa for the patch.
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=371
  • bugfix: potential abort of imtcp on rsyslogd shutdown
  • bugfix: imzmq3 segfault with PULL subscription
    Thanks to Martin Nilsson for the patch.
  • bugfix: improper handling of backslash in string-type template()s
  • bugfix: leading quote (“) in string-type template() lead to thight loop
    on startup
  • bugfix: no error msg on invalid field option in legacy/string template
  • bugfix: potential segfault due to invalid param handling in comparisons
    This could happen in RainerScript comparisons (like contains); in some
    cases an unitialized variable was accessed, which could lead to an
    invalid free and in turn to a segfault.
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=372
    Thanks to Georgi Georgiev for reporting this bug and his great help
    in solving it.
  • bugfix: no error msg on unreadable $IncludeConfig path
  • bugfix: $IncludeConfig did not correctly process directories
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=376
    The testbench was also enhanced to check for these cases.
    Thanks to Georgi Georgiev for the bug report.
  • bugfix: make rsyslog compile on kfreebsd again
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=380
    Thanks to Guillem Jover for the patch
  • bugfix: garbled message if field name was used with jsonf property option
    The length for the field name was invalidly computed, resulting in either
    truncated field names or including extra random data. If the random data
    contained NULs, the rest of the message became unreadable.
  • bugfix: potential segfault at startup with property-based filter
    If the property name was followed by a space before the comma, rsyslogd
    aborted on startup. Note that no segfault could happen if the initial
    startup went well (this was a problem with the config parser).
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=381
  • bugfix: imfile discarded some file parts
    File lines that were incomplete (LF missing) *at the time imfile polled
    the file* were partially discarded. That part of the line that was read
    without the LF was discarded, and the rest of the line was submitted in
    the next polling cycle. This is now changed so that the partial content
    is saved until the complete line is read. Note that the patch affects
    only read mode 0.
    Thanks to Milan Bartos for providing the base idea for the solution.
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