
Changelog for 6.1.5 (v6 devel)

Version 6.1.5 [DEVEL] (rgerhards), 2011-03-04

  • improved testbench
  • enhanced imtcp to use a pool of worker threads to process incoming
    messages. This enables higher processing rates, especially in the TLS
    case (where more CPU is needed for the crypto functions)
  • added support for TLS (in anon mode) to tcpflood
  • improved TLS error reporting
  • improved TLS startup (Diffie-Hellman bits do not need to be generated,
    as we do not support full anon key exchange — we always need certs)
  • bugfix: fixed a memory leak and potential abort condition
    this could happen if multiple rulesets were used and some output batches
    contained messages belonging to more than one ruleset.
    fixes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=226
    fixes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=218
  • bugfix: memory leak when $RepeatedMsgReduction on was used
    bug tracker: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=225
  • bugfix: potential abort condition when $RepeatedMsgReduction set to on
    as well as potentially in a number of other places where MsgDup() was
    used. This only happened when the imudp input module was used and it
    depended on name resolution not yet had taken place. In other words,
    this was a strange problem that could lead to hard to diagnose
    instability. So if you experience instability, chances are good that
    this fix will help.
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