
Changelog for 5.9.4 (v5-devel)

Version 5.9.4 [V5-DEVEL], 2011-11-29

  • imuxsock: added capability to “annotate” messages with “trusted information”, which contains some properties obtained from the system and as such is sure to not be faked. This is inspired by the similiar idea introduced in systemd. removed dependency on gcrypt for recently-enough GnuTLS
  • bugfix: imuxsock did no longer ignore message-provided timestamp, if so configured (the *default*). Lead to no longer sub-second timestamps.
  • bugfix: omfile returns fatal error code for things that go really wrong previously, RS_RET_RESUME was returned, which lead to a loop inside the rule engine as omfile could not really recover.
  • bugfix: rsyslogd -v always said 64 atomics were not present
    thanks to mono_matsuko for the patch
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