
Changelog for 7.2.5 (v7-stable)

Version 7.2.5  [v7-stable] 2013-01-08

  • build system cleanup (thanks to Michael Biebl for this!)
  • bugfix: omelasticsearch did not properly compile on some platforms due to missing libmath. Thanks to Michael Biebl for the fix
  • bugfix: invalid DST handling under Solaris
    Thanks to Scott Severtson for the patch.
  • bugfix: on termination, actions were incorrectly called
    The problem was that incomplete fiter evaluation was done *during the shutdown phase*. This affected only the LAST batches being processed. No problem existed during the regular run. Could usually only happen on very busy systems, which were still busy during shutdown.
  • bugfix: very large memory consumption (and probably out of memory) when FromPos was specified in template, but ToPos not.
    Thanks to Radu Gheorghe for alerting us of this bug.
  • bugfix: timeval2syslogTime cause problems on some platforms due to invalid assumption on structure data types.
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=394
    Thanks to David Hill for the patch [under ASL2.0 as per email conversation 2013-01-03].
  • bugfix: compile errors in im3195
    Thanks to Martin Körper for the patch
  • bugfix: doGetFileCreateMode() had invalid validity check ;)
    Thanks to Chandler Latour for the patch.
  • bugfix: mmjsonparse errornously returned action error when no CEE cookie was present.
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