rsyslog error 2046

There is a problem with the user-provided config settings.

This error code can mean multiple things, but basically something was configured in an invalid way. The accompanying error message will list the exact cause. If it does not, or the problem is still not clear, please post the message in question to the discussion thread. Also be sure to check if the thread already contains the actual problem you experience.

This is a stub entry: If you have questions please post a comment or visit the github issue tracker.

One thought on “rsyslog error 2046

  1. How to provide InputFileName in rsyslog.conf file.

    $InputFileName \”/var/log/app/app_2019-02-12.log\”
    I would like to provide like below, but not work.
    $InputFileName \”/var/log/app/app_%Y%-%m%-%d%.log\”
    Please let me know the correct way.

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