
Changelog for 7.2.6 (v7-stable)

Version 7.2.6  [v7-stable] 2013-03-05

  • slightly improved config parser error messages when invalid escapes happen
  • bugfix: include files got included in the wrong order
    This happens if an $IncludeConfig directive was done on multiple files (e.g. the distro default of $IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf). In that case, the order of include file processing is reversed, which could lead to all sorts of problems.
    Thanks to Nathan Stratton Treadway for his great analysis of the problem, which made bug fixing really easy.
  • bugfix: omelasticsearch failed when authentication data was provided … at least in most cases it emitted an error message:
    “snprintf failed when trying to build auth string”
    Thanks to Joerg Heinemann for alerting us.
  • bugfix: some property-based filter were incorrectly parsed
    This usually lead to a syntax error on startup and rsyslogd not actually starting up. The problem was the regex, which did not care for double quote characters to follow in the action part – unfortunately something that can frequently happen with v6+ format. An example:
    :programname, isequal, “as” {action(type=”omfile” …) }
    Here, the part
    :programname, isequal, “as” {action(type=”omfile”
    was treated as the property filter, and the rest as action part. Obviously, this did not work out. Unfortunately, such situations usually resulted in very hard to understand error messages.
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