
Changelog for 7.4.4 (v7-stable)

Version 7.4.4  [v7.4-stable] 2013-09-03

  • better error messages in GuardTime signature provider
    Thanks to Ahto Truu for providing the patch.
  • make rsyslog use the new json-c pkgconfig file if available
    Thanks to the Gentoo team for the patches.
  • bugfix: imfile parameter “persistStateInterval” was unusable
    due to a case typo in imfile; work-around was to use legacy config
    Thanks to Brandon Murphy for reporting this bug.
  • bugfix: TLV16 flag encoding error in signature files from GT provider
    This fixes a problem where the TLV16 flag was improperly encoded. Unfortunately, existing files already have the bug and may not properly be processed. The fix uses constants from the GuardTime API lib to prevent such problems in the future.
    Thanks to Ahto Truu for providing the patch.
  • bugfix: slightly malformed SMTP handling in ommail
  • bugfix: segfault in omprog if no template was provided (now dflt is used)
  • bugfix: segfault in ompipe if no template was provided (now dflt is used)
  • bugfix: segfault in omsnmp if no template was provided (now dflt is used)
  • bugfix: some omsnmp optional config params were flagged as mandatory
  • bugfix: segfault in omelasticsearch when resuming queued messages after restarting Elasticsearch
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=464
  • bugfix: imtcp addtlframedelimiter could not be set to zero
    Thanks to Chris Norton for alerting us.
  • doc bugfix: remove no-longer existing omtemplate from developer doc was specifically mentioned as a sample for creating new plugins
    Thanks to Yannick Brosseau for alerting us of this problem.
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=473
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