
rsyslog 5.8.12 (v5-stable) released

This is primarily a maintenance release. It includes several bugfixes for omudpspoof, debugging or disk queues as well as other fixes. For more details, please review the changelog.





As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,

Florian Riedl

Changelog for 5.8.12 (v5-stable)

Version 5.8.12  [V5-stable] 2012-06-06

  • add small delay (50ms) after sending shutdown message
    There seem to be cases where the shutdown message is otherwise not processed, not even on an idle system.
    Thanks to Marcin for bringing this problem up.
  • support for resolving huge groups
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=310
    Thanks to Alec Warner for the patch
  • bugfix: delayble source could block action queue, even if there was a disk queue associated with it. The root cause of this problem was that it makes no sense to delay messages once they arrive in the action queue – the “input” that is being held in that case is the main queue worker, what makes no sense.
    Thanks to Marcin for alerting us on this problem and providing instructions to reproduce it.
  • bugfix: disk queue was not persisted on shutdown, regression of fix to
    The new code also handles the case of shutdown of blocking light and full delayable sources somewhat smarter and permits, assuming sufficient timeouts, to persist message up to the max queue capacity. Also some nits in debug instrumentation have been fixed.
  • bugfix/omudpspoof: problems, including abort, happend when run on multiple threads. Root cause is that libnet is not thread-safe. omudpspoof now guards libnet calls with their own mutex.
  • bugfix: if debug message could end up in log file when forking if rsyslog was set to auto-background (thus fork, the default) and debug mode to stdout was enabled, debug messages ended up in the first log file opened. Currently, stdout logging is completely disabled in forking mode (but writing to the debug log file is still possible). This is a change in behaviour, which is under review. If it causes problems to you, please let us know.
    Thanks to Tomas Heinrich for the patch.
  • bugfix/tcpflood: sending small test files did not work correctly
  • bugfix: potential hang due to mutex deadlock
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=316
    Thanks to Andreas Piesk for reporting&analyzing this bug as well as providing patches and other help in resolving it.
  • bugfix: property PROCID empty instead of proper nilvalue if not present
    If it is not present, it must have the nilvalue “-” as of RFC5424
    closes: http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=332
    Thanks to John N for reporting this issue.
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