Where to find the rsyslog source code
Rsyslog’s source is kept in git repositories. Git is a system designed to support flexible de-centralized collaboration. The rsyslog project currently provides two official repositories. These are equal peers, pick the one that you prefer to work with.
By popular request, rsyslog is available on github. We do not provide further instructions as github users already know how to work with that site (and if you don’t, be told that they have great tutorials).
We also keep a repository on Adiscon’s git server. This may also contain some arcane branches not of popular interest (like custom builds and such). You can clone this repository either via http or git protocol (with the later being much faster). URLS are:
- git://git.adiscon.com/git/rsyslog.git
- http://git.adiscon.com/git/rsyslog.git
There is also a browsable version (gitweb) available at http://git.adiscon.com/?p=rsyslog.git;a=summary. This version also offers snapshots of each commit for easy download. You can use these if you do not have git present on your system.
How to add a module global parameter
In this git commit, two new module parameters are being added to omfile. They replace some hard-coded defaults for action parameters. This commit shows
- how to add module parameters
- how to apply them as defaults to action parameters
Please be sure to note the difference between module and action parameters.
Note that the new module parameters do not modify behavior of legacy (pre-v6) config statements. This is done intentionally to prevent complication with upward compatibility of old-style config files.
This commit is intentionally minimal in order to show the most important aspects. For a proper commit, the ChangeLog as well as the module documentation need to be updated as well. An example commit for the doc parts can be found here. It is usually suggested to do both tasks in a single commit (as they obviously closely belong together).