ChangeLog for 4.1.2 (devel)

Version 4.1.2 [DEVEL] (rgerhards), 2008-12-04

  • bugfix: code did not compile without zlib
  • security bugfix: $AllowedSender was not honored, all senders were
    permitted instead (see

  • security fix: imudp emitted a message when a non-permitted sender
    tried to send a message to it. This behaviour is operator-configurable.
    If enabled, a message was emitted each time. That way an attacker could
    effectively fill the disk via this facility. The message is now
    emitted only once in a minute (this currently is a hard-coded limit,
    if someone comes up with a good reason to make it configurable, we
    will probably do that).

  • doc bugfix: typo in v3 compatibility document directive syntax
    thanks to Andrej for reporting

  • imported other changes from 3.21.8 and 3.20.1 (see there)
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