Search Results for: error 2046

rsyslog error 2046

There is a problem with the user-provided config settings.

This error code can mean multiple things, but basically something was configured in an invalid way. The accompanying error message will list the exact cause. If it does not, or the problem is still not clear, please post the message in question to the discussion thread. Also be sure to check if the thread already contains the actual problem you experience.

This is a stub entry: If you have questions please post a comment or visit the github issue tracker.


This is a regular expression checker especially programmed for rsyslog. Rsyslog uses POSIX ERE (and optionally BRE) expressions. This checker works with the php POSIX ERE
functions. So in theory, there can be a difference between what the engine included in rsyslog (clib) and this web app does. However, in practice the results should be fairly the

Note: you need at least rsyslog version 3.19.5 (for v3) or 4.1.5 (for v4 and above) to use ERE expressions.

To use this tool, paste a sample of the field in question into “Sample Log Line”, write your regular expression and press the button ;) You will then see what the regular expression engine extracts. Also, the result fields contain a property replacer
field definition in theory suitable for copying and pasting into your rsyslog.conf.

rsyslog property
Regular Expression
Submatch to Use
Nomatch Mode
Sample Log Line
(use a single line,
wraps for readability)



if(0 == 1) echo ‘

// now check if we got any data to process. If so, do it
if(strlen($regex) == 0 && strlen($sampleData) == 0)
; // no data, nothing to do ;)
else {
writeTopicBoxHdr(‘Regular Expression Result’);
echo ‘

if(strlen($regex) == 0 && strlen($sampleData) > 0)
echo ‘error, regex must be specified

else if(strlen($regex) > 0 && strlen($sampleData) == 0)
echo ‘

error, sample log line must be specified

else if(strlen($regex) > 0 && strlen($sampleData) > 0) {
// ok, we actually have something to process
$regRes = ereg($regex, $sampleData, $matches);
if($regRes == FALSE) {
echo ‘

No matches found or invalid search expression.
Note that the lazy quantifier (question mark) is not part of POISX regular
expressions, this may be the trouble source (among many others).

if($notfound == 0)
$res = ‘**NO MATCH**’;
else if($notfound == 1)
$res = “”;
else if($notfound == 2)
$res = “0”;
$res = $sampleData;
displaySrchResult($res, $regex, $prop, $submatch, $notfound);
} else {
displaySrchResult($matches[$submatch], $regex, $prop, $submatch, $notfound);
displayExtraInfo($regRes, $matches, $regex, $prop, $submatch);
echo ‘

echo ‘


//echo ‘

//echo '


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