ChangeLog for 4.4.2 (v4-stable)

Version 4.4.2 [v4-stable] (rgerhards), 2009-10-09

  • bugfix: invalid handling of zero-sized messages, could lead to mis-addressing and potential memory corruption/segfault
  • bugfix: zero-sized UDP messages are no longer processed until now, they were forwarded to processing, but this makes no sense. Also, it looks like the system seems to provide a zero return code on a UDP recvfrom() from time to time for some internal reasons. These “receives” are now silently ignored.
  • bugfix: random data could be appended to message, possibly causing segfaults
  • bugfix: reverse lookup reduction logic in imudp do DNS queries too often
    A comparison was done between the current and the former source address. However, this was done on the full sockaddr_storage structure and not on the host address only. This has now been changed for IPv4 and IPv6. The end result of this bug could be a higher UDP message loss rate than necessary (note that UDP message loss can not totally be avoided due to the UDP spec)

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