<result> = unflatten(<source-tree>, <key-separator-character>);
This function unflattens keys in a JSON object. It provides a way to expand dot-separated fields.
- It allows for instance to produce this:
{ "source": { "ip": "", "port": 443 } }
- from this source data:
{ "source.ip": "", "source.port": 443 }
Here is a sample use case:
# Say you have the following tree, obtained for instance with mmnormalize.
set $!source.ip = "";
set $!source.bytes = 3258;
set $!source.geo.country_iso_code = "FR";
set $!destination.ip = "";
# Now unflatten the keys in the $! tree.
set $.unflatten = unflatten($!, ".");
# You may do this to set back safely the result in $! because the function could
# return a default dummy value of 0 (rsyslog number) if $! was not touched (it
# would evaluate to an empty rsyslog string, which is not a JSON datatype).
if (script_error() == 0) then {
unset $!;
set $! = $.unflatten;
unset $.unflatten;
An output of $!
would give this, in pretty-print:
"source": {
"ip": "",
"bytes": 3258,
"geo": {
"country_iso_code": "FR"
"destination": {
"ip": ""
See also
Help with configuring/using Rsyslog
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GitHub: rsyslog source project - detailed questions, reporting issues that are believed to be bugs with
See also
Contributing to Rsyslog
Source project: rsyslog project README.
Documentation: rsyslog-doc project README
Copyright 2008-2023 Rainer Gerhards (Großrinderfeld), and Others.