omoracle: Oracle Database Output Module

Module Name:    omoracle

Author:Luis Fernando Muñoz Mejías <> - this module is currently orphaned, the original author does no longer support it.

Available since:: 4.3.0, does not work with recent rsyslog versions (v7 and up). Use omlibdbi instead. An upgrade to the new interfaces is needed. If you would like to contribute, please send us a patch or open a github pull request.

Status:: contributed module, not maintained by rsyslog core authors


This module provides native support for logging to Oracle databases. It offers superior performance over the more generic omlibdbi module. It also includes a number of enhancements, most importantly prepared statements and batching, what provides a big performance improvement.

Note that this module is maintained by its original author. If you need assistance with it, it is suggested to post questions to the rsyslog mailing list.

From the header comments of this module:

This is an output module feeding directly to an Oracle
database. It uses Oracle Call Interface, a proprietary module
provided by Oracle.

Selector lines to be used are of this form:


The module gets its configuration via rsyslog $... directives,

$OmoracleDBUser: user name to log in on the database.

$OmoracleDBPassword: password to log in on the database.

$OmoracleDB: connection string (an Oracle easy connect or a db
name as specified by tnsnames.ora)

$OmoracleBatchSize: Number of elements to send to the DB on each

$OmoracleStatement: Statement to be prepared and executed in
batches. Please note that Oracle's prepared statements have their
placeholders as ':identifier', and this module uses the colon to
guess how many placeholders there will be.

All these directives are mandatory. The dbstring can be an Oracle
easystring or a DB name, as present in the tnsnames.ora file.

The form of the template is just a list of strings you want
inserted to the DB, for instance:

$template TestStmt,"%hostname%%msg%"

Will provide the arguments to a statement like

$OmoracleStatement \
    insert into foo(hostname,message)values(:host,:message)

Also note that identifiers to placeholders are arbitrary. You
need to define the properties on the template in the correct order
you want them passed to the statement!

Some additional documentation contributed by Ronny Egner:


- Oracle Instantclient 10g (NOT 11g) Base + Devel
  (if you´re on 64-bit linux you should choose the 64-bit libs!)
- JDK 1.6 (not necessary for oracle plugin but "make" didd not finsished successfully without it)

- "oracle-instantclient-config" script
  (seems to shipped with instantclient 10g Release 1 but i was unable to find it for 10g Release 2 so here it is)

======================  /usr/local/bin/oracle-instantclient-config =====================
# Oracle InstantClient SDK config file
# Jean-Christophe Duberga - Bordeaux 2 University

# just adapt it to your environment

Usage: oracle-instantclient-config [--prefix[=DIR]] [--exec-prefix[=DIR]] [--version] [--cflags] [--libs] [--static-libs]"

if test $# -eq 0; then
      echo "${usage}" 1>&2
      exit 1

while test $# -gt 0; do
  case "$1" in
  -*=*) optarg=`echo "$1" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;;
  *) optarg= ;;

  case $1 in
      if test $exec_prefix_set = no ; then
      echo $prefix
      echo ${exec_prefix}
      echo ${version}
      echo ${incdirs}
      echo $libdirs -lclntsh -lnnz10 -locci -lociei -locijdbc10
      echo "No static libs" 1>&2
      exit 1
      echo "${usage}" 1>&2
      exit 1

===============   END ==============


./configure --enable-oracle


- make sure rsyslogd is able to locate the oracle libs (either via LD_LIBRARY_PATH or /etc/
- set TNS_ADMIN to point to your tnsnames.ora
- create a tnsnames.ora and test you are able to connect to the database

- create user in oracle as shown in the following example:
        create user syslog identified by syslog default tablespace users quota unlimited on users;
        grant create session to syslog;
        create role syslog_role;
        grant syslog_role to syslog;
        grant create table to syslog_role;
        grant create sequence to syslog_role;

- create tables as needed

- configure rsyslog as shown in the following example
        $ModLoad omoracle

        $OmoracleDBUser syslog
        $OmoracleDBPassword syslog
        $OmoracleDB syslog
        $OmoracleBatchSize 1
        $OmoracleBatchItemSize 4096

        $OmoracleStatementTemplate OmoracleStatement
        $template OmoracleStatement,"insert into foo(hostname,message) values (:host,:message)"
        $template TestStmt,"%hostname%%msg%"
        *.*                     :omoracle:;TestStmt
    (you guess it: username = password = database = "syslog".... see $rsyslogd_source/plugins/omoracle/omoracle.c for me info)

See also

Help with configuring/using Rsyslog:

See also

Contributing to Rsyslog:

Copyright 2008-2023 Rainer Gerhards (Großrinderfeld), and Others.