omudpspoof: UDP spoofing output module

Module Name:    omstdout

Author: David Lang <> and Rainer Gerhards <>

Available Since: 5.1.3


This module is similar to the regular UDP forwarder, but permits to spoof the sender address. Also, it enables to circle through a number of source ports.

Module Parameters

Note: parameter names are case-insensitive.

  • template <templatename>

    This setting instructs omudpspoof to use a template different from the default template for all of its actions that do not have a template specified explicitely.

Action Parameters

Note: parameter names are case-insensitive.

  • target <hostname> or <ip>

    Host that the messages shall be sent to.

  • port <port>

    Remote port that the messages shall be sent to. Default is 514.

  • sourcetemplate <templatename>

    This is the name of the template that contains a numerical IP address that is to be used as the source system IP address. While it may often be a constant value, it can be generated as usual via the property replacer, as long as it is a valid IPv4 address. If not specified, the build-in default template RSYSLOG_omudpspoofDfltSourceTpl is used. This template is defined as follows: $template RSYSLOG_omudpspoofDfltSourceTpl,”%fromhost-ip%” So in essence, the default template spoofs the address of the system the message was received from. This is considered the most important use case.

  • sourceport.start <port>

  • sourceport.end <port>

    Specify the start and end value for circling the source ports. Start must be less than or equal to the end value. Defaults are 32000 and 42000.

  • template <templatename>

    This setting instructs omudpspoof to use a template different from the default template for all of its actions that do not have a template specified explicitely.

  • mtu <mtu>

    Maximum packet length to send, default is 1500.

Legacy Configuration Directives

  • $ActionOMOMUDPSpoofSourceNameTemplate <templatename> This is the name of the template that contains a numerical IP address that is to be used as the source system IP address. While it may often be a constant value, it can be generated as usual via the property replacer, as long as it is a valid IPv4 address. If not specified, the build-in default template RSYSLOG_omudpspoofDfltSourceTpl is used. This template is defined as follows: $template RSYSLOG_omudpspoofDfltSourceTpl,”%fromhost-ip%” So in essence, the default template spoofs the address of the system the message was received from. This is considered the most important use case.
  • $ActionOMUDPSpoofTargetHost <hostname> Host that the messages shall be sent to.
  • $ActionOMUDPSpoofTargetPort <port> Remote port that the messages shall be sent to.
  • $ActionOMUDPSpoofDefaultTemplate <templatename> This setting instructs omudpspoof to use a template different from the default template for all of its actions that do not have a template specified explicitely.
  • $ActionOMUDPSpoofSourcePortStart <number> Specifies the start value for circeling the source ports. Must be less than or equal to the end value. Default is 32000.
  • $ActionOMUDPSpoofSourcePortEnd <number> Specifies the ending value for circeling the source ports. Must be less than or equal to the start value. Default is 42000.

Caveats/Known Bugs

  • IPv6 is currently not supported. If you need this capability, please let us know via the rsyslog mailing list.
  • Throughput is MUCH smaller than when using omfwd module.


Forward the message to, using original source and port between 10000 and 19999.

Action (

Forward the message to, using source address and default ports.

Module (
Template (
Action (

Legacy Sample

The following sample forwards all syslog messages in standard form to the remote server The original sender’s address is used. We do not care about the source port. This example is considered the typical use case for omudpspoof.

$ModLoad omudpspoof $ActionOMUDPSpoofTargetHost
*.*      :omudpspoof:

The following sample forwards all syslog messages in unmodified form to the remote server The sender address with fixed source port 514 is used.

$ModLoad omudpspoof $template spoofaddr,"" $template
spooftemplate,"%rawmsg%" $ActionOMUDPSpoofSourceNameTemplate spoofaddr
$ActionOMUDPSpoofSourcePortStart 514 $ActionOMUDPSpoofSourcePortEnd 514
*.*      :omudpspoof:;spooftemplate

The following sample is similar to the previous, but uses as many defaults as possible. In that sample, a source port in the range 32000..42000 is used. The message is formatted according to rsyslog’s canned default forwarding format. Note that if any parameters have been changed, the previously set defaults will be used!

$ModLoad omudpspoof $template spoofaddr,""
$ActionOMUDPSpoofSourceNameTemplate spoofaddr
*.*      :omudpspoof: