GuardTime Log Signature Provider (gt) ===================================== **Signature Provider Name: gt** **Author:** Rainer Gerhards **Supported:** from 7.3.9 to 8.26.0 **Description**: Provides the ability to sign syslog messages via the GuardTime signature services. **Configuration Parameters**: Note: parameter names are case-insensitive. Signature providers are loaded by omfile, when the provider is selected in its "sig.providerName" parameter. Parameters for the provider are given in the omfile action instance line. This provider creates a signature file with the same base name but the extension ".gtsig" for each log file (both for fixed-name files as well as dynafiles). Both files together form a set. So you need to archive both in order to prove integrity. - **sig.hashFunction** The following hash algorithms are currently supported: - SHA1 - RIPEMD-160 - SHA2-224 - SHA2-256 - SHA2-384 - SHA2-512 - **sig.timestampService** This provides the URL of the timestamper service. If not selected, a default server is selected. This may not necessarily be a good one for your region. *Note:* If you need to supply user credentials, you can add them to the timestamper URL. If, for example, you have a user "user" with password "pass", you can do so as follows: - **sig.block.sizeLimit** The maximum number of records inside a single signature block. By default, there is no size limit, so the signature is only written on file closure. Note that a signature request typically takes between one and two seconds. So signing to frequently is probably not a good idea. - **sig.keepRecordHashes** Controls if record hashes are written to the .gtsig file. This enhances the ability to spot the location of a signature breach, but costs considerable disk space (65 bytes for each log record for SHA2-512 hashes, for example). - **sig.keepTreeHashes** Controls if tree (intermediate) hashes are written to the .gtsig file. This enhances the ability to spot the location of a signature breach, but costs considerable disk space (a bit mire than the amount sig.keepRecordHashes requries). Note that both Tree and Record hashes can be kept inside the signature file. **See Also** - `How to sign log messages through signature provider Guardtime `_ **Caveats/Known Bugs:** - currently none known **Samples:** This writes a log file with it's associated signature file. Default parameters are used. :: action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/somelog" sig.provider="gt") In the next sample, we use the more secure SHA2-512 hash function, sign every 10,000 records and Tree and Record hashes are kept. :: action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/somelog" sig.provider="gt" sig.hashfunction="SHA2-512" sig.block.sizelimit="10000" sig.keepTreeHashes="on" sig.keepRecordHashes="on")