ompipe: Pipe Output Module ========================== **Module Name:    ompipe** **Author:**\ Rainer Gerhards **Description**: The ompipe plug-in provides the core functionality for logging output to named pipes (fifos). It is a built-in module that does not need to be loaded. **Global Configuration Parameters:** Note: parameter names are case-insensitive. - Template: [templateName] sets a new default template for file actions. **Action specific Configuration Parameters:** Note: parameter names are case-insensitive. - Pipe: string a fifo or named pipe can be used as a destination for log messages. **Caveats/Known Bugs:** None **Sample:** The following command sends all syslog messages to a remote server via TCP port 10514. ::     Module (path="builtin:ompipe")     *.* action(type="ompipe" Pipe="NameofPipe") **Legacy Configuration Parameters:** rsyslog has support for logging output to named pipes (fifos). A fifo or named pipe can be used as a destination for log messages by prepending a pipe symbol ("|") to the name of the file. This is handy for debugging. Note that the fifo must be created with the mkfifo(1) command before rsyslogd is started. **Legacy Sample:** The following command sends all syslog messages to a remote server via TCP port 10514. ::     $ModLoad ompipe     *.* |/var/log/pipe