omhiredis: Redis Output Module ============================== **Module Name:** omhiredis **Original Author:** Brian Knox **Description** This module provides native support for writing to Redis, using the hiredis client library. **Action Parameters** Note: parameter names are case-insensitive. - **server** Name or address of the Redis server - **serverport** Port of the Redis server if the server is not listening on the default port. - **serverpassword** Password to support authenticated redis database server to push messages across networks and datacenters. Parameter is optional if not provided AUTH command wont be sent to the server. - **mode** Mode to run the output action in: "queue" or "publish". If not supplied, the original "template" mode is used. Note due to a config parsing bug in 8.13, explicitly setting this to "template" mode will result in a config parsing error. - **template** Template is required if using "template" mode. - **key** Key is required if using "publish" or "queue" mode. - **userpush** if set to on, use RPUSH instead of LPUSH, if not set or off, use LPUSH. **Examples** *Mode: template* In "template" mode, the string constructed by the template is sent to Redis as a command. Note this mode has problems with strings with spaces in them - full message won't work correctly. In this mode, the template argument is required, and the key argument is meaningless. :: module(load="omhiredis") template( name="program_count_tmpl" type="string" string="HINCRBY progcount %programname% 1") action( name="count_programs" server="" serverport="6379" type="omhiredis" mode="template" template="program_count_tmpl") Here's an example redis-cli session where we HGETALL the counts: :: > redis-cli> HGETALL progcount 1) "rsyslogd" 2) "35" 3) "rsyslogd-pstats" 4) "4302" *Mode: queue* In "queue" mode, the syslog message is pushed into a Redis list at "key", using the LPUSH command. If a template is not supplied, the plugin will default to the RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat template. :: module(load="omhiredis") action( name="push_redis" server="" serverport="6379" type="omhiredis" mode="queue" key="my_queue") Here's an example redis-cli session where we RPOP from the queue: :: > redis-cli> RPOP my_queue "<46>2015-09-17T10:54:50.080252-04:00 myhost rsyslogd: [origin software=\"rsyslogd\" swVersion=\"8.13.0.master\" x-pid=\"6452\" x-info=\"\"] start"> *Mode: publish* In "publish" mode, the syslog message is published to a Redis topic set by "key". If a template is not supplied, the plugin will default to the RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat template. :: module(load="omhiredis") action( name="publish_redis" server="" serverport="6379" type="omhiredis" mode="publish" key="my_channel") Here's an example redis-cli session where we SUBSCRIBE to the topic: :: > redis-cli> subscribe my_channel Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) "subscribe" 2) "my_channel" 3) (integer) 1 1) "message" 2) "my_channel" 3) "<46>2015-09-17T10:55:44.486416-04:00 myhost rsyslogd-pstats: {\"name\":\"imuxsock\",\"origin\":\"imuxsock\",\"submitted\":0,\"ratelimit.discarded\":0,\"ratelimit.numratelimiters\":0}"