******************************************** omelasticsearch: Elasticsearch Output Module ******************************************** =========================== =========================================================================== **Module Name:**  **omelasticsearch** **Author:** `Rainer Gerhards `_ =========================== =========================================================================== Purpose ======= This module provides native support for logging to `Elasticsearch `_. Notable Features ================ - :ref:`omelasticsearch-statistic-counter` Configuration Parameters ======================== .. note:: Parameter names are case-insensitive. Action Parameters ----------------- Server ^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "array", "none", "no", "none" An array of Elasticsearch servers in the specified format. If no scheme is specified, it will be chosen according to usehttps_. If no port is specified, serverport_ will be used. Defaults to "localhost". Requests to Elasticsearch will be load-balanced between all servers in round-robin fashion. .. code-block:: none Examples: server="localhost:9200" server=["elasticsearch1", "elasticsearch2"] .. _serverport: Serverport ^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "integer", "9200", "no", "none" Default HTTP port to use to connect to Elasticsearch if none is specified on a server_. Defaults to 9200 .. _healthchecktimeout: HealthCheckTimeout ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "integer", "3500", "no", "none" Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait for a successful health check on a server_. Before trying to submit events to Elasticsearch, rsyslog will execute an *HTTP HEAD* to ``/_cat/health`` and expect an *HTTP OK* within this timeframe. Defaults to 3500. *Note, the health check is verifying connectivity only, not the state of the Elasticsearch cluster.* .. _esVersion_major: esVersion.major ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "integer", "0", "no", "none" ElasticSearch is notoriously bad at maintaining backwards compatibility. For this reason, the setting can be used to configure the server's major version number (e.g. 7, 8, ...). As far as we know breaking changes only happen with major version changes. As of now, only value 8 triggers API changes. All other values select pre-version-8 API usage. .. _searchIndex: searchIndex ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "none", "no", "none" `Elasticsearch index `_ to send your logs to. Defaults to "system" .. _dynSearchIndex: dynSearchIndex ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "binary", "off", "no", "none" Whether the string provided for searchIndex_ should be taken as a `rsyslog template `_. Defaults to "off", which means the index name will be taken literally. Otherwise, it will look for a template with that name, and the resulting string will be the index name. For example, let's assume you define a template named "date-days" containing "%timereported:1:10:date-rfc3339%". Then, with dynSearchIndex="on", if you say searchIndex="date-days", each log will be sent to and index named after the first 10 characters of the timestamp, like "2013-03-22". .. _searchType: searchType ^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "none", "no", "none" `Elasticsearch type `_ to send your index to. Defaults to "events". Setting this parameter to an empty string will cause the type to be omitted, which is required since Elasticsearch 7.0. See `Elasticsearch documentation `_ for more information. .. _dynSearchType: dynSearchType ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "binary", "off", "no", "none" Like dynSearchIndex_, it allows you to specify a `rsyslog template `_ for searchType_, instead of a static string. .. _pipelineName: pipelineName ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "none", "no", "none" The `ingest node `_ pipeline name to be included in the request. This allows pre processing of events before indexing them. By default, events are not send to a pipeline. .. _dynPipelineName: dynPipelineName ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "binary", "off", "no", "none" Like dynSearchIndex_, it allows you to specify a `rsyslog template `_ for pipelineName_, instead of a static string. .. _skipPipelineIfEmpty: skipPipelineIfEmpty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "binary", "off", "no", "none" When POST'ing a document, Elasticsearch does not allow an empty pipeline parameter value. If boolean option skipPipelineIfEmpty is set to `"on"`, the pipeline parameter won't be posted. Default is `"off"`. .. _asyncrepl: asyncrepl ^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "binary", "off", "no", "none" No longer supported as ElasticSearch no longer supports it. .. _usehttps: usehttps ^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "binary", "off", "no", "none" Default scheme to use when sending events to Elasticsearch if none is specified on a server_. Good for when you have Elasticsearch behind Apache or something else that can add HTTPS. Note that if you have a self-signed certificate, you'd need to install it first. This is done by copying the certificate to a trusted path and then running *update-ca-certificates*. That trusted path is typically */usr/local/share/ca-certificates* but check the man page of *update-ca-certificates* for the default path of your distro .. _timeout: timeout ^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "1m", "no", "none" How long Elasticsearch will wait for a primary shard to be available for indexing your log before sending back an error. Defaults to "1m". .. _indextimeout: indexTimeout ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "integer", "0", "no", "none" .. versionadded:: 8.2204.0 Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait for a successful log indexing request on a server_. By default there is no timeout. .. _template: template ^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "see below", "no", "none" This is the JSON document that will be indexed in Elasticsearch. The resulting string needs to be a valid JSON, otherwise Elasticsearch will return an error. Defaults to: .. code-block:: none $template StdJSONFmt, "{\"message\":\"%msg:::json%\",\"fromhost\":\"%HOSTNAME:::json%\",\"facility\":\"%syslogfacility-text%\",\"priority\":\"%syslogpriority-text%\",\"timereported\":\"%timereported:::date-rfc3339%\",\"timegenerated\":\"%timegenerated:::date-rfc3339%\"}" Which will produce this sort of documents (pretty-printed here for readability): .. code-block:: none {     "message": " this is a test message",     "fromhost": "test-host",     "facility": "user",     "priority": "info",     "timereported": "2013-03-12T18:05:01.344864+02:00",     "timegenerated": "2013-03-12T18:05:01.344864+02:00" } Another template, FullJSONFmt, is available that includes more fields including programname, PROCID (usually the process ID), and MSGID. .. _bulkmode: bulkmode ^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "binary", "off", "no", "none" The default "off" setting means logs are shipped one by one. Each in its own HTTP request, using the `Index API `_. Set it to "on" and it will use Elasticsearch's `Bulk API `_ to send multiple logs in the same request. The maximum number of logs sent in a single bulk request depends on your maxbytes_ and queue settings - usually limited by the `dequeue batch size `_. More information about queues can be found `here `_. .. _maxbytes: maxbytes ^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "100m", "no", "none" .. versionadded:: 8.23.0 When shipping logs with bulkmode_ **on**, maxbytes specifies the maximum size of the request body sent to Elasticsearch. Logs are batched until either the buffer reaches maxbytes or the `dequeue batch size `_ is reached. In order to ensure Elasticsearch does not reject requests due to content length, verify this value is set according to the `http.max_content_length `_ setting in Elasticsearch. Defaults to 100m. .. _parent: parent ^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "none", "no", "none" Specifying a string here will index your logs with that string the parent ID of those logs. Please note that you need to define the `parent field `_ in your `mapping `_ for that to work. By default, logs are indexed without a parent. .. _dynParent: dynParent ^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "binary", "off", "no", "none" Using the same parent for all the logs sent in the same action is quite unlikely. So you'd probably want to turn this "on" and specify a `rsyslog template `_ that will provide meaningful parent IDs for your logs. .. _uid: uid ^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "none", "no", "none" If you have basic HTTP authentication deployed (eg through the `elasticsearch-basic plugin `_), you can specify your user-name here. .. _pwd: pwd ^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "none", "no", "none" Password for basic authentication. .. _errorfile: errorFile ^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "none", "no", "none" If specified, records failed in bulk mode are written to this file, including their error cause. Rsyslog itself does not process the file any more, but the idea behind that mechanism is that the user can create a script to periodically inspect the error file and react appropriately. As the complete request is included, it is possible to simply resubmit messages from that script. *Please note:* when rsyslog has problems connecting to elasticsearch, a general error is assumed and the submit is retried. However, if we receive negative responses during batch processing, we assume an error in the data itself (like a mandatory field is not filled in, a format error or something along those lines). Such errors cannot be solved by simply resubmitting the record. As such, they are written to the error file so that the user (script) can examine them and act appropriately. Note that e.g. after search index reconfiguration (e.g. dropping the mandatory attribute) a resubmit may be successful. .. _omelasticsearch-tls.cacert: tls.cacert ^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "none", "no", "none" This is the full path and file name of the file containing the CA cert for the CA that issued the Elasticsearch server cert. This file is in PEM format. For example: `/etc/rsyslog.d/es-ca.crt` .. _tls.mycert: tls.mycert ^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "none", "no", "none" This is the full path and file name of the file containing the client cert for doing client cert auth against Elasticsearch. This file is in PEM format. For example: `/etc/rsyslog.d/es-client-cert.pem` .. _tls.myprivkey: tls.myprivkey ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "none", "no", "none" This is the full path and file name of the file containing the private key corresponding to the cert `tls.mycert` used for doing client cert auth against Elasticsearch. This file is in PEM format, and must be unencrypted, so take care to secure it properly. For example: `/etc/rsyslog.d/es-client-key.pem` .. _omelasticsearch-allowunsignedcerts: allowunsignedcerts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "boolean", "off", "no", "none" If `"on"`, this will set the curl `CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER` option to `0`. You are strongly discouraged to set this to `"on"`. It is primarily useful only for debugging or testing. .. _omelasticsearch-skipverifyhost: skipverifyhost ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "boolean", "off", "no", "none" If `"on"`, this will set the curl `CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST` option to `0`. You are strongly discouraged to set this to `"on"`. It is primarily useful only for debugging or testing. .. _omelasticsearch-bulkid: bulkid ^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "none", "no", "none" This is the unique id to assign to the record. The `bulk` part is misleading - this can be used in both bulk mode :ref:`bulkmode` or in index (record at a time) mode. Although you can specify a static value for this parameter, you will almost always want to specify a *template* for the value of this parameter, and set `dynbulkid="on"` :ref:`omelasticsearch-dynbulkid`. NOTE: you must use `bulkid` and `dynbulkid` in order to use `writeoperation="create"` :ref:`omelasticsearch-writeoperation`. .. _omelasticsearch-dynbulkid: dynbulkid ^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "binary", "off", "no", "none" If this parameter is set to `"on"`, then the `bulkid` parameter :ref:`omelasticsearch-bulkid` specifies a *template* to use to generate the unique id value to assign to the record. If using `bulkid` you will almost always want to set this parameter to `"on"` to assign a different unique id value to each record. NOTE: you must use `bulkid` and `dynbulkid` in order to use `writeoperation="create"` :ref:`omelasticsearch-writeoperation`. .. _omelasticsearch-writeoperation: writeoperation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "index", "no", "none" The value of this parameter is either `"index"` (the default) or `"create"`. If `"create"` is used, this means the bulk action/operation will be `create` - create a document only if the document does not already exist. The record must have a unique id in order to use `create`. See :ref:`omelasticsearch-bulkid` and :ref:`omelasticsearch-dynbulkid`. See :ref:`omelasticsearch-writeoperation-example` for an example. .. _omelasticsearch-retryfailures: retryfailures ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "binary", "off", "no", "none" If this parameter is set to `"on"`, then the module will look for an `"errors":true` in the bulk index response. If found, each element in the response will be parsed to look for errors, since a bulk request may have some records which are successful and some which are failures. Failed requests will be converted back into records and resubmitted back to rsyslog for reprocessing. Each failed request will be resubmitted with a local variable called `$.omes`. This is a hash consisting of the fields from the metadata header in the original request, and the fields from the response. If the same field is in the request and response, the value from the field in the *request* will be used, to facilitate retries that want to send the exact same request, and want to know exactly what was sent. See below :ref:`omelasticsearch-retry-example` for an example of how retry processing works. *NOTE* The retried record will be resubmitted at the "top" of your processing pipeline. If your processing pipeline is not idempotent (that is, your processing pipeline expects "raw" records), then you can specify a ruleset to redirect retries to. See :ref:`omelasticsearch-retryruleset` below. `$.omes` fields: * writeoperation - the operation used to submit the request - for rsyslog omelasticsearch this currently means either `"index"` or `"create"` * status - the HTTP status code - typically an error will have a `4xx` or `5xx` code - of particular note is `429` - this means Elasticsearch was unable to process this bulk record request due to a temporary condition e.g. the bulk index thread pool queue is full, and rsyslog should retry the operation. * _index, _type, _id, pipeline, _parent - the metadata associated with the request - not all of these fields will be present with every request - for example, if you do not use `"pipelinename"` or `"dynpipelinename"`, there will be no `$.omes!pipeline` field. * error - a hash containing one or more, possibly nested, fields containing more detailed information about a failure. Typically there will be fields `$.omes!error!type` (a keyword) and `$.omes!error!reason` (a longer string) with more detailed information about the rejection. NOTE: The format is apparently not described in great detail, so code must not make any assumption about the availability of `error` or any specific sub-field. There may be other fields too - the code just copies everything in the response. Here is an example of a detailed error response, in JSON format, from Elasticsearch 5.6.9: .. code-block:: json {"omes": {"writeoperation": "create", "_index": "rsyslog_testbench", "_type": "test-type", "_id": "92BE7AF79CD44305914C7658AF846A08", "status": 400, "error": {"type": "mapper_parsing_exception", "reason": "failed to parse [msgnum]", "caused_by": {"type": "number_format_exception", "reason": "For input string: \"x00000025\""}}}} Reference: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/bulk.html#bulk .. _omelasticsearch-retryruleset: retryruleset ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "word", "", "no", "none" If `retryfailures` is not `"on"` (:ref:`omelasticsearch-retryfailures`) then this parameter has no effect. This parameter specifies the name of a ruleset to use to route retries. This is useful if you do not want retried messages to be processed starting from the top of your processing pipeline, or if you have multiple outputs but do not want to send retried Elasticsearch failures to all of your outputs, and you do not want to clutter your processing pipeline with a lot of conditionals. See below :ref:`omelasticsearch-retry-example` for an example of how retry processing works. .. _omelasticsearch-ratelimit.interval: ratelimit.interval ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "integer", "600", "no", "none" If `retryfailures` is not `"on"` (:ref:`omelasticsearch-retryfailures`) then this parameter has no effect. Specifies the interval in seconds onto which rate-limiting is to be applied. If more than ratelimit.burst messages are read during that interval, further messages up to the end of the interval are discarded. The number of messages discarded is emitted at the end of the interval (if there were any discards). Setting this to value zero turns off ratelimiting. .. _omelasticsearch-ratelimit.burst: ratelimit.burst ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "integer", "20000", "no", "none" If `retryfailures` is not `"on"` (:ref:`omelasticsearch-retryfailures`) then this parameter has no effect. Specifies the maximum number of messages that can be emitted within the ratelimit.interval interval. For further information, see description there. .. _omelasticsearch-rebindinterval: rebindinterval ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive" :widths: auto :class: parameter-table "integer", "-1", "no", "none" This parameter tells omelasticsearch to close the connection and reconnect to Elasticsearch after this many operations have been submitted. The default value `-1` means that omelasticsearch will not reconnect. A value greater than `-1` tells omelasticsearch, after this many operations have been submitted to Elasticsearch, to drop the connection and establish a new connection. This is useful when rsyslog connects to multiple Elasticsearch nodes through a router or load balancer, and you need to periodically drop and reestablish connections to help the router balance the connections. Use the counter `rebinds` to monitor the number of times this has happened. .. _omelasticsearch-statistic-counter: Statistic Counter ================= This plugin maintains global :doc:`statistics <../rsyslog_statistic_counter>`, which accumulate all action instances. The statistic is named "omelasticsearch". Parameters are: - **submitted** - number of messages submitted for processing (with both success and error result) - **fail.httprequests** - the number of times a http request failed. Note that a single http request may be used to submit multiple messages, so this number may be (much) lower than fail.http. - **fail.http** - number of message failures due to connection like-problems (things like remote server down, broken link etc) - **fail.es** - number of failures due to elasticsearch error reply; Note that this counter does NOT count the number of failed messages but the number of times a failure occurred (a potentially much smaller number). Counting messages would be quite performance-intense and is thus not done. The following counters are available when `retryfailures="on"` is used: - **response.success** - number of records successfully sent in bulk index requests - counts the number of successful responses - **response.bad** - number of times omelasticsearch received a response in a bulk index response that was unrecognized or unable to be parsed. This may indicate that omelasticsearch is attempting to communicate with a version of Elasticsearch that is incompatible, or is otherwise sending back data in the response that cannot be handled - **response.duplicate** - number of records in the bulk index request that were duplicates of already existing records - this will only be reported if using `writeoperation="create"` and `bulkid` to assign each record a unique ID - **response.badargument** - number of times omelasticsearch received a response that had a status indicating omelasticsearch sent bad data to Elasticsearch. For example, status `400` and an error message indicating omelasticsearch attempted to store a non-numeric string value in a numeric field. - **response.bulkrejection** - number of times omelasticsearch received a response that had a status indicating Elasticsearch was unable to process the record at this time - status `429`. The record can be retried. - **response.other** - number of times omelasticsearch received a response not recognized as one of the above responses, typically some other `4xx` or `5xx` http status. - **rebinds** - if using `rebindinterval` this will be the number of times omelasticsearch has reconnected to Elasticsearch **The fail.httprequests and fail.http counters reflect only failures that omelasticsearch detected.** Once it detects problems, it (usually, depends on circumstances) tell the rsyslog core that it wants to be suspended until the situation clears (this is a requirement for rsyslog output modules). Once it is suspended, it does NOT receive any further messages. Depending on the user configuration, messages will be lost during this period. Those lost messages will NOT be counted by impstats (as it does not see them). Note that some previous (pre 7.4.5) versions of this plugin had different counters. These were experimental and confusing. The only ones really used were "submits", which were the number of successfully processed messages and "connfail" which were equivalent to "failed.http". How Retries Are Handled ======================= When using `retryfailures="on"` (:ref:`omelasticsearch-retryfailures`), the original `Message` object (that is, the original `smsg_t *msg` object) **is not available**. This means none of the metadata associated with that object, such as various timestamps, hosts/ip addresses, etc. are not available for the retry operation. The only thing available are the metadata header (_index, _type, _id, pipeline, _parent) and original JSON string sent in the original request, and whatever data is returned in the error response. All of these are made available in the `$.omes` fields. If the same field name exists in the request metadata and the response, the field from the request will be used, in order to facilitate retrying the exact same request. For the message to retry, the code will take the original JSON string and parse it back into an internal `Message` object. This means you **may need to use a different template** to output messages for your retry ruleset. For example, if you used the following template to format the Elasticsearch message for the initial submission: .. code-block:: none template(name="es_output_template"          type="list"          option.json="on") {            constant(value="{")              constant(value="\"timestamp\":\"")      property(name="timereported" dateFormat="rfc3339")              constant(value="\",\"message\":\"")     property(name="msg")              constant(value="\",\"host\":\"")        property(name="hostname")              constant(value="\",\"severity\":\"")    property(name="syslogseverity-text")              constant(value="\",\"facility\":\"")    property(name="syslogfacility-text")              constant(value="\",\"syslogtag\":\"")   property(name="syslogtag")            constant(value="\"}")          } You would have to use a different template for the retry, since none of the `timereported`, `msg`, etc. fields will have the same values for the retry as for the initial try. Same with the other omelasticsearch parameters which can be constructed with templates, such as `"dynpipelinename"`, `"dynsearchindex"`, `"dynsearchtype"`, `"dynparent"`, and `"dynbulkid"`. For example, if you generate the `_id` to use in the request, you will want to reuse the same `_id` for each subsequent retry: .. code-block:: none template(name="id-template" type="string" string="%$.es_msg_id%") if strlen($.omes!_id) > 0 then { set $.es_msg_id = $.omes!_id; } else { # NOTE: depends on rsyslog being compiled with --enable-uuid set $.es_msg_id = $uuid; } action(type="omelasticsearch" bulkid="id-template" ...) That is, if this is a retry, `$.omes!_id` will be set, so use that value for the bulk id for this record, otherwise, generate a new one with `$uuid`. Note that the template uses the temporary variable `$.es_msg_id` which must be set each time, to either `$.omes!_id` or `$uuid`. The `rawmsg` field is a special case. If the original request had a field called `message`, then when constructing the new message from the original to retry, the `rawmsg` message property will be set to the value of the `message` field. Otherwise, the `rawmsg` property value will be set to the entire original request - the data part, not the metadata. In previous versions, without the `message` field, the `rawmsg` property was set to the value of the data plus the Elasticsearch metadata, which caused problems with retries. See `rsyslog issue 3573 `_ Examples ======== Example 1 --------- The following sample does the following: - loads the omelasticsearch module - outputs all logs to Elasticsearch using the default settings .. code-block:: none module(load="omelasticsearch") *.* action(type="omelasticsearch") Example 2 --------- The following sample does the following: - loads the omelasticsearch module - outputs all logs to Elasticsearch using the full JSON logging template including program name .. code-block:: none module(load="omelasticsearch") *.* action(type="omelasticsearch" template="FullJSONFmt") Example 3 --------- The following sample does the following: - loads the omelasticsearch module - defines a template that will make the JSON contain the following properties - RFC-3339 timestamp when the event was generated - the message part of the event - hostname of the system that generated the message - severity of the event, as a string - facility, as a string - the tag of the event - outputs to Elasticsearch with the following settings - host name of the server is myserver.local - port is 9200 - JSON docs will look as defined in the template above - index will be "test-index" - type will be "test-type" - activate bulk mode. For that to work effectively, we use an in-memory queue that can hold up to 5000 events. The maximum bulk size will be 300 - retry indefinitely if the HTTP request failed (eg: if the target server is down) .. code-block:: none module(load="omelasticsearch") template(name="testTemplate"          type="list"          option.json="on") {            constant(value="{")              constant(value="\"timestamp\":\"")      property(name="timereported" dateFormat="rfc3339")              constant(value="\",\"message\":\"")     property(name="msg")              constant(value="\",\"host\":\"")        property(name="hostname")              constant(value="\",\"severity\":\"")    property(name="syslogseverity-text")              constant(value="\",\"facility\":\"")    property(name="syslogfacility-text")              constant(value="\",\"syslogtag\":\"")   property(name="syslogtag")            constant(value="\"}")          } action(type="omelasticsearch"        server="myserver.local"        serverport="9200"        template="testTemplate"        searchIndex="test-index"        searchType="test-type"        bulkmode="on"        maxbytes="100m"        queue.type="linkedlist"        queue.size="5000"        queue.dequeuebatchsize="300"        action.resumeretrycount="-1") .. _omelasticsearch-writeoperation-example: Example 4 --------- The following sample shows how to use :ref:`omelasticsearch-writeoperation` with :ref:`omelasticsearch-dynbulkid` and :ref:`omelasticsearch-bulkid`. For simplicity, it assumes rsyslog has been built with `--enable-libuuid` which provides the `uuid` property for each record: .. code-block:: none module(load="omelasticsearch") set $!es_record_id = $uuid; template(name="bulkid-template" type="list") { property(name="$!es_record_id") } action(type="omelasticsearch"        ...        bulkmode="on"        bulkid="bulkid-template"        dynbulkid="on"        writeoperation="create") .. _omelasticsearch-retry-example: Example 5 --------- The following sample shows how to use :ref:`omelasticsearch-retryfailures` to process, discard, or retry failed operations. This uses `writeoperation="create"` with a unique `bulkid` so that we can check for and discard duplicate messages as successful. The `try_es` ruleset is used both for the initial attempt and any subsequent retries. The code in the ruleset assumes that if `$.omes!status` is set and is non-zero, this is a retry for a previously failed operation. If the status was successful, or Elasticsearch said this was a duplicate, the record is already in Elasticsearch, so we can drop the record. If there was some error processing the response e.g. Elasticsearch sent a response formatted in some way that we did not know how to process, then submit the record to the `error_es` ruleset. If the response was a "hard" error like `400`, then submit the record to the `error_es` ruleset. In any other case, such as a status `429` or `5xx`, the record will be resubmitted to Elasticsearch. In the example, the `error_es` ruleset just dumps the records to a file. .. code-block:: none module(load="omelasticsearch") module(load="omfile") template(name="bulkid-template" type="list") { property(name="$.es_record_id") } ruleset(name="error_es") { action(type="omfile" template="RSYSLOG_DebugFormat" file="es-bulk-errors.log") } ruleset(name="try_es") { if strlen($.omes!status) > 0 then { # retry case if ($.omes!status == 200) or ($.omes!status == 201) or (($.omes!status == 409) and ($.omes!writeoperation == "create")) then { stop # successful } if ($.omes!writeoperation == "unknown") or (strlen($.omes!error!type) == 0) or (strlen($.omes!error!reason) == 0) then { call error_es stop } if ($.omes!status == 400) or ($.omes!status < 200) then { call error_es stop } # else fall through to retry operation } if strlen($.omes!_id) > 0 then { set $.es_record_id = $.omes!_id; } else { # NOTE: depends on rsyslog being compiled with --enable-uuid set $.es_record_id = $uuid; } action(type="omelasticsearch"        ...        bulkmode="on"        bulkid="bulkid-template"        dynbulkid="on"        writeoperation="create"        retryfailures="on"        retryruleset="try_es") } call try_es