Log Message Normalization Parser Module (pmnormalize)

Module Name:    pmnormalize

Available since: 8.27.0

Author: Pascal Withopf <pascalwithopf1@gmail.com>


This parser normalizes messages with the specified rules and populates the properties for further use.

Action Parameters

Note: parameter names are case-insensitive.

rulebase <word>

Specifies which rulebase file is to use. If there are multiple pmnormalize instances, each one can use a different file. However, a single instance can use only a single file. This parameter or rule MUST be given, because normalization can only happen based on a rulebase. It is recommended that an absolute path name is given. Information on how to create the rulebase can be found in the liblognorm manual.

rule <array>

Contains an array of strings which will be put together as the rulebase. This parameter or rulebase MUST be given, because normalization can only happen based on a rulebase.

undefinedpropertyerror <on/off>

Default: off

With this parameter an error message is controlled, which will be put out every time pmnormalize can’t normalize a message.

See Also

Caveats/Known Bugs

None known at this time.


Sample 1:

In this sample messages are received via imtcp. Then they are normalized with the given rulebase and written to a file.


input(type="imtcp" port="13514" ruleset="ruleset")

parser(name="custom.pmnormalize" type="pmnormalize" rulebase="/tmp/rules.rulebase")

ruleset(name="ruleset" parser="custom.pmnormalize") {
      action(type="omfile" file="/tmp/output")

Sample 2:

In this sample messages are received via imtcp. Then they are normalized with the given rule array. After that they are written in a file.


input(type="imtcp" port="10514" ruleset="outp")

parser(name="custom.pmnormalize" type="pmnormalize" rule=[
              "rule=:<%pri:number%> %fromhost-ip:ipv4% %hostname:word% %syslogtag:char-to:\\x3a%: %msg:rest%",
              "rule=:<%pri:number%> %hostname:word% %fromhost-ip:ipv4% %syslogtag:char-to:\\x3a%: %msg:rest%"])

ruleset(name="outp" parser="custom.pmnormalize") {
      action(type="omfile" File="/tmp/output")